
“I didn’t think he’d take it so hard. He’s sniffling.”

And then Trump stretched out his arm in a thumbs down gesture, and was surprised when nothing happened.

Yes, but it also plays into his “most attacked president in history” narrative and by Wednesday, he’ll be saying it was just a small group Democratic representatives and he heard they had paid some people off to boo him. Probably illegal immigrants taking those booing jobs away from real Americans who love him, but

That was a transparent effort specifically calculated to cut the booing short/lessen its intensity.

He looks like a fucking toddler about to cry.  The most fucking pathetic individual to ever hold the office.

Hours after his crowning moment of tritrumph of killing an ISIS leader no one outside of foreign policy circles really cared about, Trump wilts in the face of Natittude.

The best thing about this is that it will eat away at him way, way, way more than things like “credibly accused of being a Russian asset” or “revealed almost daily, often by his own idiotic admission, to have participated in criminal activity.”

And then there’s also this bit of heartwarming goodness:

God, I hope that "lock him up" chant burned its way into his insecure little facsimile of a soul and we get a torrent of rage tweets about it tomorrow. HOOK IT TO MY VEINS!

The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.

Typical MSM liberal bias. It’s obvious that they were chanting “Lock HER up” and now trump will go after AOC, Hillary, Ilhan, Kamala, Warren, or whatever woman they are told to hate by the tv. 

The vindication of Washington sports fans.


Try mixing rice with ketchup, then fry it in a super hot skillet to make it crispy. It’s so freaking good. 

Today has been one of those days that I should get a fucking medal for, and it’s only 4:30. 

Very few of us are irreplaceable like LeBron James.  That gives him (and others like him) far more freedom than Joe Average.  It’s a shame he didn’t take the opportunity to make a difference.  

The Chosen Yuan

A fair criticism. Unfortunately it leaves out a line:

Look we can debate LeBron all we want, but he's still never going to be as good at choosing money over taking a stand as Jordan was. #GOAT

When did LBJ joined the Rocket, when when did DM became the owner of the NBA?