I like Tiff but, come on, people paid good money to see her and she didn’t deliver (reading jokes off her iPad? Huh? This isn’t her trying out new material in a hole in the wall joint, WTF)
I like Tiff but, come on, people paid good money to see her and she didn’t deliver (reading jokes off her iPad? Huh? This isn’t her trying out new material in a hole in the wall joint, WTF)
I would have been mad as fuck if I paid to see a comedian and they forgot their damn jokes.
Haha, I remember walking in on a cousin contemplating drinking bleach, as his wife “heard somewhere” it would erase THC from a mandatory drug test for work. I screamed, the dog howled, and the plan went nowhere. Her plan, that is.
Counterpoint: We now have about 2 decades of TV shows and news reporting that teaches bleach removes forensic evidence of rape.
It would appear your argument actually disproves itself. Basically, you’ve said:
I beg to differ. This kind of wonkiness has been happening since always.
They know it because they were taught it.
“presumably this person could have gone to the same hospital BEFORE trying bleach if AIDS was such a concern.”
Hi! I’ve been a sex educator for 16 years.
I can see some of those things being hard to grab, like the paperweight, or hard to fully remove, like the cotton balls. I can also see some of them being quite painful and that’s a bad place for cuts, so you don’t want to be yanking too hard. But yeah, smaller and slimmer things like a crayon or (unbroken) colored…
Typing on a phone. I think auto correct got me on that one.
Eh, if I didn’t know the infection probability per exposure and didn’t know about or have access to post-exposure prophylaxis, you bet I’d be considering the risk of rectal bleach burns if I thought there might be even a slight chance that bleach would be killing hiv, too. You’re underestimating the desperation factor…
A softball. I would have thought that impossible. That really drives home the value of a medical degree.
No, but “condoms prevent the transmission of HIV” IS a standard part of sex education that isn’t abstinence based.
Yes, there are LOTS OF WOMEN who have so little understanding of their own anatomy, especially of the genitals, that they have no idea if something got in there how they would get it out. Hence the thousands of women who die every year from septic shock or massive uterine infections due to foreign objects in their…
Worked in surgery for a number of years. I will not provide the entire list but just the top three rectum items.
As a woman I never really understood the Vagina ones—- I mean—- a vagina doesn’t go on forever—- you can feel the back it with your fingers. Like maybe if something is broken and will cause damage by yanking that might make sense- but for the other ones - are women just so unfamiliar with their own Vaginas that they…
I mean, even though we have to go over the fact that you shouldn’t use Q-Tips to clean your ears, at least I can understand how someone might not know that...but bleach? That seems like a given.
I beg to differ. This kind of wonkiness has been happening since always.