
For me, it’s my wife. 

Hands up for Ingraham!

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I love a good Western, but I’m so tired of the apathy—or outright disdain—that most creators, even modern ones, in the genre have toward Native American characters. I appreciate you highlighting a few that have tried to remedy some of the sins of the past, but...damn, it’s way past time for a Western film that centers

Considering Netflix brought us Billy Madison Yucks It Up With Chief Wahoo (aka The Ridiculous 6), and not only didn’t try to make things right but doubled down its support of it after racist morons made it a Netflix record breaking hit, don’t know if we should ever expect them to strive to do the right thing.

Ingraham is transcendently terrible though. Not everyone can come for LeBron with the racist dog whistle, “shut up and dribble,mere weeks after trashing David Hogg’s academic qualifications. That’s a special kind of shitty.

Was about to post the same thing. Stop giving that needle-dicked gremlin any more attention.

A bracket would be better.  They are all terrible, but mostly in unique ways.

Clay Travis is the worst, but you know he’ll be actively rooting to win so he can brag about it in a bad troll attempt, so please don’t vote for him.

This should be a tournament bracket. Deadspin hasn’t done one of those in years.

My vote makes me feel misogynistic.

Christ, this is like trying to vote for which Legion of Doom member has the most repressed sexuality. 

which blonde race baiting Nazi lady?

Should just be called The Darren Rovell Award in Content Tremendousness.

Any vote that isn’t for the Blonde Race Baiting Nazi Lady is wrong.

White speaking at the Republican National Convention

Asking Israel to respect international law and human rights does not deny its right to exist. Why do people think that it does?

I’m glad that she’s openly supportive of BDS, and I hope other American politicians do the same. Pressuring Israel’s government into upholding human rights standards and giving Palestinians their land back =/= anti-Semitism. The fact is, the Israeli government (and most especially war criminal Bibi Netanyahu) does its

*sigh* It’s not anti-Semitic to support BDS and rights for Palestinians. It’s also bullshit to talk about a “two state solution” when right-wing Israelis keep expanding their illegal settlements onto ever shrinking Palestinian land.

Sound more like she is saying she supports it’s right to exist and not be criminalized, not that she her self supports all of it’s goals.