
What's that podcast all about?

Pretending to be racist because you're narcissistic doesn't strike me as all that much better than being actually racist. I also think that it's largely for show, but that doesn't make it any less baffling that the writer would stick around only to be turned off by the narcissism as opposed to the overtly racist and

It's legal if it's a bona fide qualification for the job. The attorney is creating a bunch of bullshit. You're right that it's a union issue.

I hate that post so much. I also don't understand the point. None of his supporters are going to read that and go, wait, what? I didn't know that! Better vote for someone else. Completely self-serving and uncompelling. That's he's narcissistic is his worst quality and that's what turned you off of him? Ughhhh. Sorry,

Enlightened, in tune, aware are all reasonable synonyms.

You've just jinxed yourself.

Nah. Woman here, and if I’m in a situation where I need a tampon, I don’t give a rat’s ass where it’s coming from. I’ve got bigger concerns at that moment. But thanks for trying to explain that to us tampon users!

I started in about seventh grade and was on the swim team. I think I wore pads the first few times until swimming season started. Raided my mom’s tampon supply and figured it out myself because I was too embarrassed to ask. Haven’t worn a pad since. (Of course, my mom did notice, but her reaction was Oh, I was going

I can’t answer all of your questions, but I’m pretty sure that a baby bump is all the accessory Kristin needs as a natural, beautiful, mother lady. Feel free to use that as an answer to one or more or none of the questions.

Might be, might not, was responding to someone else.

That's helpful, thanks! /not s

I also find her super boring and grating. Wish I understood the love.

I got to that picture and started ugly laughing so hard I had to show my boyfriend. Terrible.

-1. Not good kinja.

Actually! I thought about coming back and putting an addendum on my response to you. It was definitely not my intent to have it taken any other way, and it’s a good, when in doubt use the /s lesson. With some of the people who have been showing up around these parts lately, I am sad to say that I don't think it was

Oddly, it didn’t. Maybe replying in the thread solves the problem? I was afraid trolls had descended and was about to enter battle mode.

Holy mother of god, kinja won't stop giving me notifications about your reply. I'm up to about 30. And, okay, I can see that now. I don't think sharing it is odd anymore than someone commenting that they own the same set of bra and panties or corset or fishnets used in a lingerie shoot. Carry on!

I should also add that if she does wear it for sex, I still don’t see a problem with that. It’s her dialogue which was otherwise subverted by being labeled a victim. She can express her sexuality as she sees fit.

Maybe she wears it for sex, maybe she wears it at parties or on a night out, maybe she does wear it to Kroger. I think you're ruffling feathers by calling it odd because you're getting awfully close to shaming territory on a post about her empowerment.