
As a current resident of Richmond, this makes me mad. The mayor and city council threw money at that team with literally no return, yet they can’t come to terms with the AA baseball team for financing in a new stadium. A local team that seem to have near sell outs most nights and have really developed a great

If you see the pictures and the estimate, it isn’t really that badly damaged. A industry mag had a good write up on it and compared to many of the cars I see fixed on a daily basis it wasn’t bad.

Mix of both, most of the delay in any repair comes from the shop moving slow and parts. Combine slow moving dealers who can afford to let cars sit for 30 days with parts that have to be special ordered and you're looking at 4-5 week repairs easily.

My coworker had a claim on a new F-150 at the dealer for over a month, for a repair that would’ve taken maybe a week on a 2014 F-150, his customer was mad about running out of rental. In insurance, it's hard to tell people that their rental limits won't be enough to cover your $3500 estimate. The problem is Ford still

Working in the industry, and having taken the Aluminum F-150 iCar class, I cannot wait to see these things nosedive in value once rust becomes a huge problem for people who have improper repairs done. Most body men won’t care about using different tools for different metals or changing between 12 different types of

I’ve only been in the insurance field almost 3 years, so for me personally the switch to smartphones was huge. Camera, wifi hotspot, claim data, note taker, all things that used to need their own device 2 years ago are being combined rapidly. Now my dad has been in the industry since the early 1990s and up into the

I grew up eating there, the only bad thing is they serve Hershey's Ice Cream in those tasty cones. Hopefully it stays around, Norfolk is doing all they can to eliminate cars in that part of town and the place is actually a drive-in.

Why not just use collision. Body shops get it, all the fancy ones are called “Collision Repair Centers”. It accurately describes what happened, while sounding very official.

As an insurance adjuster, these commercials and local news exposes on used/aftermarket parts make my life a living hell. People really don’t seem to grasp that their specific coverage usually isn’t what they hear in the commercials and that when they sign up for it the fine print does indeed say you will get the

The last 5 laps were some of the best racing I’ve ever seen, 2 or 4 wheels. The motor sports world needs more competition like that.

I’m more surprised VA only has 3 spots on the list. I grew up in Hampton Roads with constant construction and 55 MPH speed limits on the interstate as far as you could see. The few times bridge tunnels aren’t congested you still can’t drive more than 50 MPH because people get nervous. Up the limit on the bridge maybe

Not from Buffalo, but I travelled there many times for my ex. I can pass on the wings, however Mighty Tacos BBQ Beef Burrito and Bill Grays burgers were the highlights of those trips.

I love the placement, makes my oil changes much easier than my fiancées Camry where the filter is tucked up in a cave. It’s far better than the Subaru Tribeca, I wrote an estimate on one that had a front end collision, appears you need to remove the bumper to change that filter. That’s some great engineering right

Can we talk about the constant construction? I went to George Mason from 2008-2012, spent a month in McLean last summer, spent another week in McLean back in April for work, and every time I visit Tyson’s looks completely different.

As a elementary schooler in the late 90’s from his “true” hometown, I remember you weren’t cool if you weren’t wearing his shoes. Forget Jordan’s or Airwalks, everyone was wearing Iversons but I hated them. I remember being so proud for my city when the consensus that he was a Hamptoner rather than someone from

I was in elementary/middle school when Apple came out with iBooks and colorful iMacs came out, so I got used to them fairly quickly, I still prefer my MacBook Pro to my Toughbook for work. Scissors piss me off, but as a lefty who had a righty father, sports and the advances in golf clubs and whatever other equipment

My fiancé is about to start the Orthotics & Prosthetics grad program at Northwestern and go into her dads business. She said the school won't train her, so it's helpful to have a veterinarian work with you, but the business makes quite a few back braces for dogs with exceptionally long spines or who have hip problems.

I know quite a few cars in my parents neighborhood down in Southeastern VA who are daily driving Supras and RX-7s with “antique” plates so they can skirt some of the restrictions imposed by VA State Inspections.

Honestly doesn’t look that bad. It’s a shame GM gets it’s panties in a wad over what will be a pretty easy repair and some silly FAQ going out in this day and age. The real story is why in 2015 are we’re calling the fenders “front quarter panels”. As an insurance adjuster, that phrasing drives me nuts!

I’ve wondered the same. Our local short track is constantly going through new owners who say they’re bleeding money, but every Saturday night the house is full and drivers from 3 or 4 hours away come out to race. Unless the municipality charges a hefty fee to rent the land I don't see where there is money to lose if