Because they made it for dumb kids not dumb adults, even though they know dumb adults (like me) would buy it, they don’t think dumb kids’ parents are interested in buying a bluetooth-enabled pedophile connector for their kids.
Because they made it for dumb kids not dumb adults, even though they know dumb adults (like me) would buy it, they don’t think dumb kids’ parents are interested in buying a bluetooth-enabled pedophile connector for their kids.
James, I find your lack of feeling impressed...disturbing.
“Damn, homie, wow.”
Spare me the bullshit, thanks.
I will bet you money they will hang his ass out to dry.
I will never shit on a union protecting its membership because my union, which has zero to with public service, kept our industry from screwing over myself and thousands of members and was there to back us up.
Well, he’s hardly a flight risk and it’s the police union’s job to be there for him.
He’s going to get acquitted, just watch.
They need to burn that city down to the ground and start over.
If you truly understand the McRib, you understand that it’s always been far more than just an ordinary sandwich. Just like love, it’s hard to explain.
Just for clarification: Does that mean I can (due to my being blackety black as black can possibly be, thank you very much) use the n-word in that quote but can NOT say the w-word that refers to a derogatory expression for Italians?
Because we’re the only ones who give a shit?
Fine. Then give them a writing credit that entitles them to maybe 1 percent of royalties. That’s MORE than fair for one good line.
If it’s done all the best stories, then let it end.
Not talented. Not accomplished.
He didn’t have to say shit about a narrative that didn’t involve him.
If you’re a male who gets triggered over the casting of a Broadway musical, then frankly, you’re what’s known as a 60 year old white homosexual and, thus, very unlikely to be reading The Root.
I will never ask if a woman is pregnant because I don’t give a shit.
The writers on each individual site do what they want that interests them.
You have no doubt? Based on...what, exactly?