
I’m saying that you’re right, it is quite ugly and then I was giving you the reason why they chose that aesthetic. I’m telling you that I agree with you.

You put it on them. You make them realize the futility of going against your wishes. I’m failing to see the problem here.


How many you got?

I liked Cumberbaddies’ acting but that man has a weak American accent ability.

He was never a good actor. He was always a face and body only.

You know why.

That is an exceedingly dumb hot take, considering the OP was very explicit and clear in his/her language:

Yes. And that’s the POINT.  It’s SUPPOSED to be ugly, if you go back to the original source material.  

5 minutes?

He may be the biggest racist in the world.


No kidding, if you have put my 13 year old self into an adult body, given me credit cards and an influential job, I would have literally said out loud, “YES!” and started trying to push my youthful ideas of equality into everything.  Not running around looking goofy and buying every toy in existence.

You think a Dem candidate can’t win without mentioning LGBTQA issues beyond a milquetoast “I believe in equality” statement?

Kwaanza Cake time, y’all!!!

Okay, THIS was what I wanted to know on some level.

“Maaaan, she’s hypnotizing those chickens!”

The best thing about sleepovers was the sexual experimentation.

Most kids dream of being grown up and do everything to appear that way, slipping into kid behavior because they can’t maintain the facade but, trying nonetheless.

Meth Damon is in this?  Huh.