
I don’t care anymore (I wanted to see if Downey would say something quippy and amusing, not because it was about this stupid kerfuffle) and I wasn’t going to watch Scorcese new work because I’m bored with his ruminations on mid-century bad white guys and even his soundtracks have become a kind of cliché, that even the

The whole thing is questionable and deserves explanation beyond “We did nothing wrong.” If she was the ONLY person left out? Why?


Banks or credit card providers, can close access to an account without a PIN number.

To the black public: “Here’s some money, now shut the fuck up.”

So this is some low-key P.R. work for T.I. in the guise of an apology piece?

You mean you weren’t using that as a reference?

These are narcissists. Sociopaths.

That’s all there is. That and a photo of what she had written on her hands that Jezebel reprinted.

“I know I’m trying to prevent you from having any rights and don’t mind if others (not me!) try to put you in conversion camps but why can’t we be friends?? It’s what Dr. King Jr. wanted!!

“Just because I don’t agree with someone on everything doesn’t mean I’m not going to be friends with them. “

They don’t call it “White Privilege” or “Entitlement”, for no reason.

They don’t call it “White Privilege” or “Entitlement”, for no reason.

They don’t call it “White Privilege” or “Entitlement”, for no reason.

Except the part where the cops or other authorities are involved.

The school should be investigating the allegations.

Frankly, you’re just being weird.

He’s a Trump cult member.

We’re not talking about you calling your friend.