
I really hope they check people for guns at the door of her events because the Right has gotten so insane and been whipped into such a frenzy of murderous intent by their Dear Leader, that I worry for her and other Dem legislators.

And frankly, I don’t understand how someone like you, who seems like the type to believe climate change is real (based on your comment history), is now claiming that oppression was used to push forward climate change projects?

That’s not logic, that’s avoidance.

They understand that, but pretending not to understand lets them seem “rational” and truth-y.

Easy to understand words that an elementary school student could fufill if necessary.

Oh, I’ll totally agree with that.

By reading the shit ton of posts and articles blathering on about it.

Which is a personal failing of his, not because he got a TV show from a production company.

How in the world did you get triggered by me saying her being paid to basically show up for a hot minute and then forget anything about the job after getting a check?

You don’t become a charlatan because someone gives you TV show.

Finally, you wrote something sensible, even if you destroyed your own original dumb point.  About time.

“Turned him into to”?

Paid millions and didn’t have to watch the shit?

Hey, look everybody!

Oh, shut it. I hate Boomers but the subsequent generation were cynical constantly irony-laden self-conscious navel-gazers followed by a generation of demi-sociopath narcissists with a technology fetish.


Fool, did you really just generalize my individual thoughts and comments to my “nation’s conceits and fetishes”?

What is Brandt Jean “performing”? Or why do you and others assume, by implication, it’s for white people or even the ideas that we’ve been given by white people and their religion?