
Paid millions and didn’t have to watch the shit?

Hey, look everybody!

Oh, shut it. I hate Boomers but the subsequent generation were cynical constantly irony-laden self-conscious navel-gazers followed by a generation of demi-sociopath narcissists with a technology fetish.


Fool, did you really just generalize my individual thoughts and comments to my “nation’s conceits and fetishes”?

What is Brandt Jean “performing”? Or why do you and others assume, by implication, it’s for white people or even the ideas that we’ve been given by white people and their religion?

I don’t care what you think if you’re trying to tell me how Brandt Jean should or shouldn’t feel.

He did what he had to do for him and his family.

You know the fuck what?

She capes for a horrible woman, Cardi B, AND is all about super obscure punk bands?

Yes, please write hundreds of words on something that hasn’t happened and likely won’t happen ANYMORE THAN IT DID WHEN SANDERS WENT UP AGAINST HILLARY.

I was specific. I’m sorry you have a problem with that specificity but, it’s obvious you want something to argue about that seems like it’s insulting you personally or your fellow citizens.

I was going to respond to him that I don’t believe him.

I don’t give a shit, Rambler.

He’s deeply against abortion, climate change ideology, gays, women, brown people and for supply-side economics, tax cuts and corporate “rights”.

I’m not surprised.

They haven’t done that, though.

Yes, you will.  Where else can you imagine anyone cares about the shit you write?

And who’s seen “The Joker” outside of AA Dowd at this point?