
I wrote exactly what I have a problem with and didn’t generalize about the country or its people as a whole.


Now playing

And yet...he seems to have found a willing Asian audience.

Fighting against blacks, for the ultimate benefit of white people, so naturally a bunch of deluded Asians jumps on board, figuring that they’ll just work hard (for white acceptance and against solidarity with black and brown people) and succeed.

Because, and I’m not kidding, Jezebel has the laziest editors around.

Is this like those “Amish Romance” novels?

There is nothing more late 2010s than women hating other women.

So are we ALL. So are we all.

The first step is admitting you have a problem, dicklick.

Joan Summers is the biggest fucking hack on this site, and that’s saying something.  She makes endless mistakes and writes dumbassery since no one stops her and she never makes corrections.

“scholarship” does NOT just mean academic based aid.

I know y’all poor, y’all broke. Y’all job’s just picking up clothes.

And “scholarship” does NOT just mean academic based aid.

I put up links to departments within some of the schools that make up the Ivy League to show you that they do give scholarships.

And I just linked you to the departments of 5 Ivies, to show that they do.

Turns out what the judge ACTUALLY did, was limit the reasons for appeal.

Ohh, you can’t get your fruity-flavored feen on??? OH NOES!!!!

Yeah, nice outfits.

They found the bitch guilty and, I believe, the judge, who was FAR from on Guyger’s side, was trying to limit reasons for appeals with her instructions to jury.