Reminds me of the great days of the “No Nukes” campaigns throughout the world right through the late 50s into the mid 70s.
A pointless one.
It’s a primary.
All in the Family = I can’t remember, you can look it up
Do you know how many shows have come and gone based on that EXACT concept for the past two decades?
He looks like he needs some water.
The white supremacist one.
That would actually be meaningful and helpful.
Pity? Not shoot them??
Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee, per WKRN, said that around 150 people had made the journey to the Area 51 gates. “It’s public land,” he said. “They’re allowed to go to the gate, as long as they don’t cross the boundary.” The Air Force has made it clear that bad things could happen should they cross that boundary...
When your father was a bi Hollywood player, your mom and her mom both gay icons, and your that grandmom played a key guest star on first big prime time show with openly gay characters, being on that show eventually is not just nice.
It’s at that point that the fired employees should go feral, lynch the CEO, and burn down the building.
Trollin’ trollin’ trollin’
Nobody who is over the age of 25 and not extremely thirsty would recognize any of those guys if they were face to face with them.
Because she’s being SARCASTIC.
Exactly. I actually pointed that out to one on another page.
I’m not arguing with you, dummy.