
The joke being that you won’t get new kawaii Colonel to notice you because you’re dripping in chicken grease and mashed potato gravy stains and he’s strictly Vegan nowadays.

I thought it be more, like, “You’re not cute enough for me to crush on, so your’e out.”

The horrors of watching the best years of your life becoming Retro Money Grabs(tm) finally visits the MySpace generation.

Tales from the least attractive Skarsgard.

Henson wasn’t afraid to just emotionally be a kid while using adult intelligence.

It’s gonna bomb and I can’t wait!!!

Most of these people will end up as you say.

All I know is that a lot of Caribbean people, like a lot of African ones, look down on black descendants of U.S. slaves.

Lesson that everyone needs to learn: just because someone agrees with you and your platform on one thing doesn’t mean they agree with you and your platform on all things. Not everyone follows a tribalistic mentality.

I’m sorry but, are you really under the impression that a school, if it chose, couldn’t put that money into other things, like academics, if it so chose?

“That’s re-segregation, why would we want that??”

Then why does The Sun, The Daily Mail, and Hello! magazine, among others, all English tabloids, by the way, treat the Brit royals like celebs?

If he was on crutches, or was deaf, or even just had a bad cough that day, we’re not supposed to notice because “he’s a minor child”?

The fact you are taking a satirical article about a dumb self-serving poll done for a member of the Breakfast Industrial Complex means you need to stop taking every damn thing so seriously, snowflake.

Um, why not?

It really isn’t.

Well, certainly none of us would be here in the most basic of biological terms if it wasn’t for black women so, THANKS MOM!

Too late.  The clickbait is a-callin’ and Kinja editors can’t say “no”. 

Some people enjoy and get a thrill out of forcing other people to do things.