If you’re on the equator the moon phases go: ∪ o ∩
If you’re on the equator the moon phases go: ∪ o ∩
Live here and never seen it spelled that way before. Usually it’s “Utahns”. Still kinda awkward, but not as bad imo.
I get 15 days of vacation per year, and you can bet I will use every single hour. I’m lucky to be in a position where there are plenty of other companies who would be happy to hire me, so if they don’t like me taking my allotted time off - fine by me.
How tax brackets work. Not all of your money is in the same tax bracket. There is never a scenario where you should turn down a raise because it will “raise your tax bracket”. You will always come out making more total money (at least in the U.S.).
One thing to keep in mind - if you have dimmer switches in your house, you’ll want to look specifically for LEDs that can be dimmed. If you don’t, you’ll get weird buzzing/flickering when you try to dim your lights.
Plus then you don’t have to deal with Frontier, which is awful even by airline standards.
Worth noting - we are not really running out of landfill space, at least in the U.S. It would take multiple centuries of waste production at our current levels, and that’s not even factoring in engineering advances in landfill usage (which there have been many quite impressive ones in the past couple of decades, by…
How could I possibly know how future technological innovations will work?
Your criticisms apply much more to yourself than they do to me. You avoid putting the slightest effort into understanding my arguments. You refuse to acknowledge the mere possibility that you could be wrong.
I don’t even know what Turning Point USA is, so maybe double check your crystal ball because it’s already severely inaccurate.
There have been plenty of times where science missed the mark on the apocalypse as well. Ever heard of Malthus? Or the overpopulation crisis?
Ah, lucky for you to have the crystal ball that can see 50 years into the future.
Global poverty is down, global literacy is up, leisure time in developed countries is up, worldwide hunger is down, many diseases have been eradicated, violent crime is down, etc. There are many encouraging statistics on a global perspective.
Indeed. There are good reasons for optimism about the future. We have survived previous sources of doom and catastrophe - the cold war ended. The “overpopulation” crisis turned out to be not much of a crisis after all. It’s entirely possible (and in my opinion, likely) that we will avert disaster from climate change…
Is it really “sad” that an explanation is required for archaic acronyms from a long dead language?
Long compile times?
Also you have a very high chance that your flight will be delayed, so make sure your schedule is flexible. Definitely *do not* book any flights with layovers involving frontier.
I’ll throw in one of my favorites, which is surprisingly readable and enjoyable despite its age:
Good idea, but if I’m going to the trouble of melting cheese onto hard shells, I think I would rather just make nachos.
I always thought of it like this: