
Yep. The original question has an implied - “What are the odds that I have a personal emergency and the market crashes at the same time? Pretty low, right?” Well... in 2008 that exact scenario happened for a ton of people. The market crash *caused* the personal emergency.

Not on sale but Flash Point: Fire Rescue plays well at two. Similar mechanics to Pandemic, but I like how it plays out a little more.

Not on sale but Flash Point: Fire Rescue plays well at two. Similar mechanics to Pandemic, but I like how it plays

If you’re under the impression that I’m in favor of minimum wage laws, you’re mistaken. But I think that the consequences of the two policies are very different in terms of who they benefit, who pays for them, and the long-term effects of the policies.

Yeah, I believe you, but I’m not sure of the scale of the problem. Given that obesity is correlated with poverty, it doesn’t seem to me that the major problem is a lack of access to raw calories. Lack of access to healthy foods (or perhaps time to prepare healthy foods) seems like a bigger problem than starvation. But

Yeah, no problem, you too.

Yes, I am opposed to the recent tax cuts - a tax cut without a spending cut is simply deferring the problem for later. Continuing to add to the burden on future generations.

Yes, of course I would like to help them. But I want to make it clear to you that it’s not a simple matter of “help” vs “don’t help”. There are tradeoffs in everything.

I don’t think income inequality is itself evil. A lot of people take it to mean “the rich are getting richer at the expense of the poor”, but that’s not necessarily the case. Consider the possibility that the poor are getting richer, but the rich are getting richer *faster*. Is this an evil society? I would say no -

I’m less concerned with income inequality than with economic mobility. I don’t care much how the distribution of wealth turns out, so long as people are able to improve their economic status via innovation, hard work, education, etc.

Top 3 owning more wealth than the bottom 50% is not the same as the top 3 owning 50% of the wealth of the country. Much more of the wealth is concentrated at 50%-99.9999%

So basically, you have no idea whether OP meant the same thing by “own” and “control”. You just saw that we used different words and assumed that I must be making a mistake. Great!

Okay, so where do you get the number that 12 people sit on the board for 80% of the country’s corporations? Or control 80% of the money supply? Or... what? What does this 80% mean and who are the 12?

So you don’t think a law mandating that a minimum amount of money be given to people is similar to a law mandating a minimum amount of money be given to people who work.... Alright, ...I guess.

Okay - explain the distinction you’re making.

3 people owning more than the bottom 50 is not close to the same as the top 3 owning 50% of the country, and doesn’t contradict my point at all. That space between 50% and 0.0000000000001% owns most of the wealth.

I don’t think UBI is comparable to min wage laws (and I suspect the evidence for a link between min wage and inflation is questionable, though I’m not an expert on the subject). It’s more comparable to progressive tax laws which increase the taxes on the top brackets and decrease it on the bottom brackets. We have

I agree with your first point about this experiment being woefully insufficient to determine whether national-level UBI might be a good idea (I’d want to see something like a 5 year experiment across a few different states).

You got any evidence on that? Quick google search says that the top 1% own 38% of wealth in the US. Your number would imply that the top 0.00000007% own 80% of the wealth in the US. Those are very different numbers.

I also don’t have strong opinions about pizza. I love the pseudo-pizza mess that is chicago-style, I love the giant foldable new york slabs, I love your standard chain pizza - dominoes and papa johns (not a big fan of pizza hut or papa murphy’s or little caesars). I recently had pizza with lemon slices and thought it

Hating vegetables meant I ate way less of them as a teenager. So - no, I don’t think their strategy was effective nor beneficial.