
@Tim Gee: not responding to the pop culture aspect of the initial question, but would merely state that Lewis Carroll was a crazy smart man from 1832-1898. Probably not in the beginning, but Pop Culture didn't exist when math was the real tool to exploration

I could see this becoming a bigger deal in the near future

@Tim Gee: Nope. I mean C.L. Dodgson AKA Lewis Carroll. Doug Adams didn't write Alice's Adventures in wonderland so I really don't care about him

@MikeofLA: Look into Lewis Carroll and you shall find the answers you need. Brilliant Mathematician, but also a pedobear

I grew up in AK. I went to Northern Lights Elementary school. I saw stuff like this every year. I NEVER saw one as cool as this. I wish I knew about long exposure when I was six years old.

@matt buchanan: I used my old meat thermo in the spout of my teakettle and it doesn't whistle or hint at it. Actually went around 207-08. submerged the plunger just under the surface, as I always stir after adding the water. (I use an old bamboo chopstick) Was one of the best tasting cups I have had. In Lincoln, NE I

Love this info, Matt. I am not obsessive, but I know what roast I want, grind size and french press. I pulled from you 206 degree h2o; I used to pull it off at 195 so I could drink it sooner and not burn my face off. I am actually going to go make some right now. It's nearly lunchtime anyways. And for the Aeropress

beautiful and simple, but complex at the same time. Nice photo

I want.... It sounded like the 'Kingdom for Keflings' arcade game them song in the background, but now that makes sense because it rocks

I just posted this yesterday in #whitenoise as Need or want? final decision: want to have, but need for gadgetry. Are we going to see this

@Sugar Slam!: no debate. just a romero fan. I am Legend sucked for me anyway

@Jekku: Fido was a decent flick. Came out kinda not long ago

I was all about it and then noticed 28 Days Later. Freakin virus movie; doesn't count. Now I distrust the legitimacy of the art

I enjoyed 1000 suns. great photos

@Daver73: I would like a simple software and device update. Haven't had and update since before St Pat's day