
The concept of not only consent, but “Enthusiastic Consent”. If your prospective partner is at all reluctant, evasive, or even kinda blah about the prospect of sex, it’s not time for sex. It’s time for talking. “Persuading” someone to have sex with you is rape.

In other words, if you’re not both shedding clothes like

I use because autotrader takes for hell and ever to load and the tiered listing is annoying af when looking for a particular trim/model.

Since we’re sharing: My ‘off-label’ Jiffy Corn Muffin Recipe: Chili Cheese Corn Dog Casserole. Mix up 2 boxes of mix according to the directions. Grease a casserole dish and add a layer of the corn muffin mix (about 1/2 of the mix), then spread on top of that a can of chili, then a layer of thinly sliced hot dogs, and

You glorious bastard. Take your damn star.

Great followup on the Cheerios article! I didn’t partake in the promotion (living in Canada, I don’t recall if they did it here) but I’m all for planting more native plants in my garden, even if I don’t have the greenest of thumbs.

Great work. Although it might have been easier to get to the truth if you had set up a...

Slightly off-topic general question: I feel that Lifehacker used to be the go-to place for cool technical projects. Barely a day went by when there wasn’t some neat Linux project you could try, or a server hack, some Raspberry Pi thing or other, a Windows trick etc.

I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.

I disagree. I understand, but I disagree.

I guess I should count myself fortunate? I work for Amazon and, except for the monotony of my job sometimes (whose job isn’t monotonous, though?), I rather like it. It’s interesting and kind of fun to think about. Also my management is pretty chill.

I guess the main takeaway here is that I’ve never set foot near a

And when I get sick of pinging you, I add an [ACTION NEEDED] at the beginning of the subject line.

^^ has a small kid.

Yeah, splitting the last 2 methods out is a bit misleading, in the Marines they taught us both, the S class is preferred because it’s more stable and uses primarily leg muscle, meaning you don’t burn out your arms. The other method is quicker though. Also it depends on what kind of shoes you wear. For whatever reason,

I would like to add a simple rule for first time marathoners...go slow. Runners have a tendency to push themselves hard, set unrealistic goals, feel like their body will catch up if they push it. It’s more likely your body will get hurt. Form breaks down when you’re tired, and that leads to injury...usually midway

Instead just add a few grains of salt.

Erm, electrolytes absolutely make a difference in effectiveness. It’s not really the electrolytes themselves, per se — it’s that they increase the osmotic pressure in your blood, which keep the fluid in your blood rather than just peeing it out. Admittedly, this mostly addresses the headache (which is caused by the

Not to pick directly on you, but I get irritated when people claim that LED’s don’t save money. There is a price premium for LED’s, but that is usually alleviated over time by the savings in electricity and the longer-lasting nature of the bulb. Simple math shows this.

That was my thought, as well... Seems like people who’d groom more are also more likely to be the type to have more partners, and therefore, more susceptible to the risks involved.

These kinds of articles that derive conclusions from studies that make no such conclusions drive me nuts. It seems to me that the study only supports the obvious conclusion that people that have more sex (and thus get more STIs) are also more likely to be the kind of people that shave their junk.

But is it not because they are more likely to be sexually active and/or open to new partners?