I was trying to help out, but thanks for being a dick.
I was trying to help out, but thanks for being a dick.
That’s almost exactly what my wife and I decided last night. A foundation for relatives and friends, a Super Pac for politicians we like, and several millions to Planned Parenthood because fuck conservatives.
You win. Way to lob rocks from the sidelines at the vehicles people use to try to improve themselves. Are crossfit and TED perfect? No way. Can they be cultish and obnoxious? Absolutely. But attempting to do something positive yet flawed is better than than than doing nothing at all. Don’t shit on people making an…
So long and thanks for all the tips!
Welcome back to Ask a Lawyer, where I, a lawyer, respond to your questions. Got a vexing legal issue? Send it over,…
Glue trap and stomp. Literally nothing else has ever worked for me.
While there are many advocates to using a midwife and giving birth at home or somewhere other than a hospital, I personally think it is a huge risk to not be in a hospital, at the very least for your first birth. My wife had no complications throughout her entire pregnancy and was not considered high risk. However,…
As someone who recently finished a one month rotation at a teaching hospital for OB, I have to strongly disagree with many of the author’s assertions. I think the assumption that most physicians practice in the manner in which the author describes are inaccurate and I question what evidence the author had in making…
On the contrary,
Why did they need to spend “20 years with indigenous populations all over the world” to discover this? It’s what most parents in the U.S. do as a matter of course. It’s what I do.
If it’s 60 bits long, you have more than enough entropy based on length alone. Trying to run them together or add numbers/special characters for “added security” is just going to make it more difficult for you to remember.
There once was a man from Nantucket
LOL thinking ‘stainless’ steel won’t rust.
If it were me, I would have just nailed a couple of wood strips between the floor joists and be done. Obviously you would need a few different spacings, but it would eliminate loosing short pieces inside the tubing. Just seems cheaper and a better view of your materials in the end.
Add this to the soup/sandwich next time... then just hang out at the water cooler for a while.
Super disappointed they didn’t include my favourite elastic lifehack: use elastics to pin down lightweight dishes (tupperware, etc) in your dishwasher, it keeps them from flipping over and filling with gungy water.
Full credit to my Dad, who I feel invented this, even though he probably didn’t
The most fundamental item of motorcycle gear is also, frequently, the most misunderstood. Let’s clear up the…
Don’t take this to school, it will be mistaken for a Bomb Detonator...