
Salty, I’m usually with you on your articles, but this is just ridiculous. I’m not going to order more food that the table isn’t going to eat just so you feel better about your tip. Similarly, I already usually tip over 20%; you’re not getting 40% for the task of bringing an extra plate. I think this delves into the

I disagree, it should be pretty easy. For the half-pipe, atheletes do 4-5 tricks. The lowest score to qualify should be 4 of the most basic tricks. Elizabeth Swaney did just 1, and barely that.

Index Funds. Fees are a killer, especially when you put in less because you make less.

We’re not limited by housing in the US; we’re over densified (did I just make up a word?). There is plenty of housing to be had, just not where people want to live. There are literally neighborhoods that are vacant in parts of the US.

There are scientific reasons why you need your eggs room temperature for some recipies. Alton Brown has a good demonstration of that somewhere.

But you missed “(although it’s gray out from September to April”.  And don’t forget, they get like 5 hours of sunlight in the winter. Lovely place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

One of the best articles I’ve read on DeadSpin in a while, thank you! You’ve re-sparked my interest in chess!

You could always donate to Project Mayhem:

Or you could rent one from Lowe’s for $30 a day. In this case, I think renting is the better option unless you’re cleaning your rugs monthly.

Or you could rent one from Lowe’s for $30 a day. In this case, I think renting is the better option unless you’re

It’s also important to make the distinction between opinion and fact. If, for example, his ‘opinion’ that he let go regarding wrestling was that it is fake; well, that’s a fact. Westling is fake and people shouldn’t just stop telling that truth. On the other hand, if he believed that The Miz is better than Hulk Hogan;

All sounds great, until you reproduce and realize that those things are freakin’ expensive! My goal was to retire at 40; now it’s 54 (the age that both kids will be off to college).

Did I miss it, or is there no link to the game the article is written about?

Another fun game with tons of alliances, threatening, and obfuscating was a game we called ‘Paranoia’. Best in a large group of friends during a party. Everyone gets a piece of chalk and an index card with a target. Your goal is to “take out” that target by marking them with chalk before the person with your name can

Also be aware that it will be at least 6 months before your baby starts to crawl. No need to do this the day you bring home your baby like I did.

I can’t wait to make some Brunswick Stew!

Another good one is toys that are not one-trick ponies. For example, a kids electronics kit can be used to make all kinds of cool things like a catapult, a lie detector, or a door alarm. Here’s one I got my nephews:

Glow sticks (the thin ones) work really well too!

Can’t you also just uninstall it if you’re not using the program anymore?

Why not a honda civic? Cheap, reliable, abundant, and great gas mileage!

Derp... yes, you are right, it’s like a 1.4% advantage.