
To be fair people have been using ketamine in much higher doses in way less controlled settings for recreational purposes for a long time and there do not seem to be many fatalities or injuries associated with the drug.

When you love nature so much that you risk the life of wild animal so you can have a “spiritual experience” to bring you closer to nature.

Millan has been proven, multiple times, to just be a charismatic fraud.  None of his bullshit means anything beyond what should be common sense when dealing with animals, and a LOT of it (like his bullshit about being the “leader” of your “pack”) is particularly harmful and outright false...

The Rosetta Stone belongs in Egypt.  Same as how the Parthenon Marbles belong in Athens.  They were both obtained under shady circumstances and frankly any claim the British Museum has on them is, well, tenuous at best.  Plus - one thing I’ll point out here - it’s not as if the Rosetta Stone hasn’t been scanned and

So funny these articles “discovering” what us cat friends always knew.

Cat independence and their retention of their own agency is likely because, while dogs were actively domesticated, cats pretty much domesticated themselves.

Is everything a slideshow now?? I’m getting pissed because this trend is turning me into one of those people who complain about slideshows and not commenting on the value of the damn content. Funny stuff- but I find my desire to click through shit here has waned to the point where I’ll only read through these articles

To make it worse, the navigation arrows covered part of the slides.

Seriously? This content is published in slideshow format? Come on.....

Illinois is by far the largest grower of pumpkins in the US, providing almost half of the nation’s supply. Yet pumpkin pie comes in third on our list. Make it make sense.

Christianity teaches us to have compassion on others”

without the advent of Christianity, the world as a whole would probably be that way since Christianity teaches us to have compassion on others, the lest fortunate, even our enemies”

Tell me you don’t seriously believe that the concept of compassion didn’t exist prior to the alleged birth of Christ.

What are you even saying? This is some of the most unresearched biased comments on this thread. Tons and tons of this Middle East and African history were taken by imperialism in the name of spreading Christianity over the entire last millennium. And to infer Christianity is the only peaceful religion is just plain

I would argue that Christianity has been part of that problem the whole time. I mean multiple crusades, really? The children’s crusade? But you think the advent of Christianity made things better huh...

Doesn’t the Vatican have a few baubles in the basement that we’re not even allowed to look at? Bet a lot of folks would like to get their stuff back from Rome…

Given the United States had an uprising very close to the Smithsonian not even two years ago, I think we should move the Wright Flyer to Japan for safe keeping. You know, because the chances for unrest are very high over the next few decades. 

Now playing

John Oliver did a great job of covering this exact thng this past weekend.

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Word association: Water is to Wet as Therapist is to PRIVILEGE. Don’t even think about it unless you absolutely need it and have platinum health insurance.