A sequel of sorts is being developed! Road Redemption
A sequel of sorts is being developed! Road Redemption
Check out the spiritual sequel to Road Rage, Road Redemption. It's been successfully kickstarted.
It's definitely on purpose. Double Fine are really good at hitting the exact note they want with their videos, I always enjoy them. :D
Whoa. What happened to her cheeks? They're like jowls now.
If you pre-order Gunslinger on Steam, you get Bound in Blood for free. I'm not familiar with the series, so I downloaded the demo for BiB and tried it. It was AWESOME. So i pre-ordered. I usually don't pre-order shit.
If there's one game that deserves the "HD remake" treatment, it's this one. (And Thief, which uses the same engine. And Deus Ex.)
Same here! "Anyone there?" that felt so real and natural.
I started a replay of Dark Forces not two days ago. Gonna work my way through the series again, it's one of my favourites. Nice to see the Hawk made into a physical model.
Virtual Shackles is the only funny one here.
Since when does Superman have a widow's peak?
I'm a huge fan of Valve, but to be honest, I feel like his talent is now wasted working for them. What is he creating now, maps for Team Fortress 2? Items for Dota 2?
Lifting a car like that is much easier than you think, especially from the back side, give it a try.
Tell us how you REALLY feel.
Haha, YES! That was such a highlight in the already stellar storytelling.
Agreed on both counts!
Humanising scientists can be achieved by dozens of other ways. A day in the life of. Favourite foods. Cars they drive. Music they listen to. Sources of inspiration. Notice a pattern? These are all things that don't reduce the scientists to their level of physical attractiveness.
"I mean seriously, her desecrating her 'honor' is worth her life? How is that even possible?"
Your comment made me grin, thank you :D
Yeah, I didn't think it was sexist, just wondering at the reasoning behind it. Still, what's wrong with getting all the perks while being named just "Candidate Master"? Are men called "Man Candidate Master?" :P