Bassem B.

There's violence. Well, I suppose there's action, not so much violence, at least not for its own sake. I think it's very well done in that regard. The fight choreography is great.

How is that different than signing in with my Google account, which I do on many websites including Gizmodo?

Jeorg doesn't know who Popeye is? What a dumbass.

I don't like the idea of using a wallet app that it tied to the phone manufacturer, so Apple Passbook and Samsung Wallet are out. Google Wallet makes more sense in that department.

"It seems like a machine expressly meant for suckers."

Do what I did! I read book 1, and started watching season 1 as I started reading book 2. Both the books and the series were fresh in my mind. Then I ran out of TV episodes and kept swallowing up the books, because it was that good.

EDIT: Apparently it's now called Tab Groups, so if you know it by that name, you can ignore the rest of my comment. LOL

Scalped women and children? What's that about?

No mention of Tab Panorama, a vanilla feature in Firefox? I use it extensively every day, it's intuitive & excellent and a major reason why I haven't switched to Chrome.

Thanks for pointing it out, I hadn't noticed it.

Now that "Public" and "Photos" folders are no longer available to new users, can one still make a web directory and use "Share Link" to link people to an HTML file? (basically free web hosting?)

Thanks for the laugh. :D


All of which don't make any difference to the fact that it's expensive for what it is.

SHE GAVE YOU A WARNI- oh. Aw. Now I don't get to sound smug. :(

DNF was a horrible game long before Gearbox got their hands on it.

That's pretty nice. I'd like to work in such a place.


I kind of agree. It seems to me that a rectangular pool has the most swimmable area. Then again if you prefer to just chill out in the pool, then yeah it's a good idea. It definitely looks nice.