Dean Hall is an employee at Bohemia Interactive, and the standalone DayZ is a BI Studios game so I'm assuming they do want money. But it's pretty cool how it started out as a free mod.
Dean Hall is an employee at Bohemia Interactive, and the standalone DayZ is a BI Studios game so I'm assuming they do want money. But it's pretty cool how it started out as a free mod.
Agreed about the exclusives. I don't care for Halo or Gears of War, but I do wish Uncharted would release on PC for instance.
"Far Cry 3's sell-everything-in-your-inventory-that-you-can't-use with a single button press should be in any and every game with loot."
As a PC gamer I never understood this about console games. The only games I've found that allow this on console have been Test Drive Unlimited and - I think - WipeOut something.
Oh no, more choices! Whatever shall I do?
Seemed uninteresting until the part with beaming PC output to it and navigating Steam. Interesting. Now to see the price...
I play this game. It does look like shit.
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I'm still surprised and dismayed to see fans practically ask for a cease & desist letter by skirting so close to intellectual property. It makes it all the more regrettable when all their hard work has to stop.
For iOS, Gmote.
Good to know. It was jarring to hear the exact voice of GLaDOS on another character in another setting.
That was a really good video. Simple, concise, not belittling or patronising its intended audience, and fun to watch. The girl posing as the guy was pretty funny.
That was adorable :D
Don't forget the co-op campaign, which is completely separate and enjoyable in its own way.
Haha that is great, thanks for the story :D
The toys are based on characters from Black Hawk Down and Tears Of The Sun.
For real, proper coverage on this, head over to the PA Report.
I watched it on mute, then skipped through it, then stopped watching.