Well, at least that is in the Kickstarter terms. They even explicitly remind you that you are not buying a product in the checkout screen when backing.
Well, at least that is in the Kickstarter terms. They even explicitly remind you that you are not buying a product in the checkout screen when backing.
For many, it’s because the original Peter face finally resembles what he looked like in our minds, the nerdy Jewish down-on-his luck young adult who looks older than his age. It would’ve been fine had they not make the new face looks younger and not given the bullshit excuse of it working better with the facial…
Yep, I’ve been doing that for years now. it’s a hidden feature of the xbox that it seems a lot of people don’t know about.
its not really guaranteed since most games for the last 4 or 5 years dint even contain all the game data on the disk anyway. Most contain only a little of the data on it and most of it has to be downloaded
There is also just the added value of digital games on xbox. You set console 1 to be your home console then set console 2to auto login your account. Anyone on console 1 can play the game and you can still play the game on console 2. Heck technically if you login in on console 2 on controller 2 anyone can play your…
Kinda weird for people to go “they don’t care about game preservation” when, of the three console manufactuerers, Microsoft has probably done the most to provide gamers with access with older games from previous generations. Yes, I recognize that “stuff can be two things” and the conversation is more nuance than that…
We are surely reaching another shitty gilded age, where the plutocrats patronise artists to write hagiographies and paint self-serving portraiture of them.
if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...
I feel like I’m doing something wrong in life if this nutbag can afford a Tesla and me, a perfectly sane model citizen, can not.
I’ve played the og resi 4 on different platforms, too many times to actual count. However the laser room completely vanished from my memory after playing the remake. As did the lava room and U3 - although people keep complaining about it.
This guy was lucky to eff around and not quite find out. I’m not sure i’d have the patience to have NOT run him and his door over. At that point you are being attacked, and getting the hell out of there is your best option.
That scene was so wacky. It references a class/speech/thing done by Kevin Smith, where he talks about a failed movie.
Never understood why people get hyped up to buy these games annually. I’m a huge sports fan and video gamer but I only buy games once every 3-4 years. It was a neat trick by these companies to add all the gimmicks to get people to spend money to level up a character but I’ve only really been interested in the…
True, but we all know Nintendo is prone to making weird, unexpected decisions. If given the opportunity to chase the moon or to set their goals somewhere closer to home, they seem to prefer chasing the moon.
As a Texas resident, I’ve hated this scheme since Abbot floated it. The presumption was that the extra load would incentivize power companies to increase production to provide head room. However, population growth and power consumption was already going up and power companies are under no obligation to increase power…
Yeah the Switch was a phenomenal success and they merged their handheld and console departments for it. In no universe does it make sense for them to say “everyone loved this but let’s ditch the part of the market we’ve always dominated in and just make it TV only.”
As a dad, I value the ability to play portable, so I can sneak in 5 and 10 minute bursts of play. I would much rather it be less pretty and portable than have it be higher powered and static.
my initial thought was “megan fox is still a thing?”. granted im a decaying corpse but it seems like an odd promotion to me.
Yeah, I am aware of Cadence of Hyrule, I was actually just playing the original Crypt of the Necrodancer the other day lol.