I’m more surprised that GameShark is coming back instead of a leaked Switch 2 date. But if they didn’t know Nintendo’s plans why mention Switch 2 at all?
I’m more surprised that GameShark is coming back instead of a leaked Switch 2 date. But if they didn’t know Nintendo’s plans why mention Switch 2 at all?
To a degree. That’s why I said it’s a fever dream for me. As much as I would love if it did I’m not getting my hopes up that it ever will. But Microsoft does have a good working history with Nintendo and MS has published games on Nintendo consoles since the GBA. Also worked with them to get their games on NSO.
That drove me nuts during my Spider-Man 2 play through. I was almost to the point of getting a 10' USB C cable and just use the controller wired.
He’s something else and I’d probably enjoy that. Oddly my art history teacher from college posted photos of them together on facebook. Him and his wife had breakfast with Werner and his wife. I’m curious how that ended up happening and what the conversation was.
That would be a nice end cap for the Switch for them to announce Switch 2 in March. I can’t believe it’s been 7 years already.
My fever dream is they’ll do a dual announcement with GamePass coming to Switch. I won’t hold my breath though with that.
It’ll be a packed flight, you may have to go on standby.
I think I saw The Verge mention that. It’s not actually a feature of the car but more of a tech demo for what could be.
I’d be torn on that depending on which direction they go. It’s a classic but if they gave it the Monkey Island 1&2 treatment I’d be down with that.
I remember when the sequel came out people were freaking out that she had “peach fuzz”. I’m like, have you never seen a woman before?
I had that experience with AC2. It came out while I was in college and I happened to be taking art history classes at the time. It was nice learning all that in class then going home to experience what it was about.
I remember Stephen Totilo (I believe it was him) did a story on the AC series when he went back and replayed the older games. He found that they were much better than he remembered. Which is why I think giving the series yearly releases didn’t help with burnout. I liked the most recent 4 were spaced out but they’re…
Nexus is excellent. I picked it up during the christmas sale and it’s one of my top VR experiences.
The only time I’ve done that was at Target for a wave of amiibo. I got to the store stupid early around 4-5am and there was already a line. My intentions were not to resell them but my nephews birthday was coming up and I wanted him to be surprised.
It’s only been 4 days! When was the first one?
I think we have a couple of CD players in the house but they don’t get used anymore. CDs also wouldn’t do me much good in the car since my 2016 didn’t even come with a CD player.
What got it all started for me was receiving an NES for Christmas in 1988/89. It was that combo pack that came with Mario Bros and Duck Hunt on one cart, two controllers, and the light gun. I’ve been hooked ever since!
There was some stuff I was confused about in the beginning of the game. My friend said if I played Peace Walker before MGSV it would make more sense. As much as I loved the Metal Gear series I don’t really feel like I’m missing a lot by not playing V.
I need to sit down and finally play through this game. I tried when it first released and I got to some stupid mission and just lost interest. I can’t remember which one it was but when I posted on here years ago I got a lot of responses that people hated that same mission. I want to say it was mission 18...