It should play better than RE7 VR and that played pretty good, which to me is a good example of what VR can be. Based on the trailer it looks like Village VR will be a wonderful experience.
It should play better than RE7 VR and that played pretty good, which to me is a good example of what VR can be. Based on the trailer it looks like Village VR will be a wonderful experience.
Season 4 had its moments. I’ve only seen the original edit though because they changed the format that season 1-3 followed. There’s an edited format for Season 4 that follows the format of seasons 1-3.
Right since handhelds have always been their strong suit and no-one was ever able to compete with them. It’s been nice having a single console to play on TV and be able to take it with me on the go.
They don’t need to reinvent the Switch either. They could release one with upgraded internals to allow for higher resolutions, more stable framerates, processor speed, and more internal storage. Just follow what they did for the GameBoy line, DS line, and 3DS line. Even the last 2 consoles played previous generations.
Based on their history of handhelds, each GameBoy and DS model they released were BC with the previous generation. They also did that with Wii supporting GameCube and Wii U supporting Wii.
I would think the next Switch will be backwards compatible with the original Switch. Just going based off of their prior history. Wii played GameCube, Wii U played Wii, and each Game Boy release was compatible with the previous generation of games. Same for 3DS, it’s compatible with DS games.
That threw me off as well. To me switch is only 6 years old because I got one before I got married 6 years ago. Entering its seventh year makes more sense.
To quote Lemongrab “his behavior is UNACCEPTABLE”!
That’s why I pretty much rely on GamePass, saves me money in the long run and get to play more games than I would anyway. I do still occasionally purchase games if it’s one I want to play day 1 or really like the series.
When I worked for EBgames/Gamestop in the early 2000's that’s what my manager told me to do during training. In the event of a robbery I’m supposed to let them take what they want and press the silent alarm.
I thought VR was cool at arcades in the 90's but they always cost a premium to play from what I remember. They also weren’t very good for the reasons you said. I feel like VR is one of those things that had/has to wait for technology to catch up to it.
Well thanks to Village for continuity sake if they remake RE5 they’d have to leave that in or Heisenberg calling Chris “that boulder-punching asshole” wouldn’t make sense.
The best I’ve done was in high school with my ‘93 Civic. With gas prices at the time a tank of gas was $8 for 10 gallons.
That’s a thing? Time to check Marvel Unlimited...
That was the biggest shock to me that not all PSP games were digital. Gran Turismo and Peace Walker are two that come to mind that weren’t playable on PSPgo without modding. Which that still carries over to the Vita. There’s PSP games I’d buy digitally but they’re just not available.
Reminds me of PSPgo when they launched it at $250 because “people will pay that!”
That’s what I’ve appreciated about Quest 2. It’s a standalone device with the option to use it for PCVR. It’s also inexpensive enough (glad I got mine before the $100 increase) that if you wanted to dabble in VR and had a decent PC setup.
The duplicate photo option came in handy but except one photo and there’s no ignore option. It has 2 different photos that it’s considering a duplicate and wants me to merge them but I don’t want to do that. I think they need to add a “keep both” option in addition to “merge”, maybe one day.
Same, they’d just have a very boring video of me sitting there while I write. I guess I’m not paranoid enough and trust my Mac that the green and orange indicators are accurate.
Yes! That’s exactly what I did! When I went to go save the nephew I defeated everyone by hacking and stealth. Then it gets to the cut scene and Aiden is all “he watched me slaughter all of them”.