
I was gonna chime in with NYX as well! It’s the best one I have personally used (I’m 40, with combination skin and some hyperpigmentation). It sinks right in and actually doesn’t flake. I’m not sure how dark their shades go, though, so I’m not sure how good a choice it might be if you are non-caucasian, unfortunately.

I used to have a complicated makeup regimen like this, but these days I just slap on some spf and a bb cream. I don’t have perfect skin by any stretch, but I’ve gotten to enough of a place of self acceptance that I honestly just don’t care and still feel comfortable and attractive in my beautifully blotchy combination

The solution, then, would be to heavily regulate semi-automatic weapons to the point where only farmers and others in a narrowly-defined group who pass rigorous background checks and mental health assessments have the ability to purchase them.

Those that sat out the 2016 election are not the same young people as the high school students that are currently speaking up. Those speaking up will be eligible to vote in 2020 (and some in 2018) for the first time, and they are not a complacent generation. I’ve been working with teenagers since 2008, and I have

Change doesn’t necessarily happen when it should, though, but rather when it gains momentum for whatever reason, which often isn’t logical or predictable. I never thought Polanski (or any other sexual assailant with power and influence and Hollywood cred) would be taken to task in any sort of mainstream way, for

Funny how we never see men writing about how the practice of dudes completely taking their shirts off at the gym is “bad for men.”

The only thing that surprises me about this is that they didn’t cast Scarlett Johansson in the lead role.

What does it take to get out of the greys these days? I’ve been commenting off and on for over 2 years without getting flagged or causing any issues, and I’m honestly not clear on what it takes to prove I’m worthy to sit at the grownup table at this point. A blood sacrifice? A hex? What?

Yeah, the piece was “edited for length and clarity” and seems to have only achieved its first goal. Quite a few confusing typos, grammatical errors and incomplete bits of information (ex: “participants give more hot sauce to the rival of someone who has been given a more sympathetic narrative”...what does this mean?


When someone posts about being a warrior for surviving toddlers, I certainly don’t feel compelled to go out of my way to read that story, and if I do choose to read it, I am certainly not going to spend any time whatsoever spewing mean-spirited attacks throughout the comments section. There’s obviously something else

Your point is fair, but there is no such thing as an “unwilling sexual partner.” A victim of sexual assault is not their assailant’s “partner” in any way, shape or form. I’m not splitting hairs here, truly—as a survivor of sexual assault myself, that wording was incredibly jarring and invalidating. Though I am

Kids never stopped thinking smoking was cool. Anything that shocks and upsets their parents and/or feels like rebellion is “cool.” But when grown-ass adults smoke in the bathroom at a school dance gala like a bunch of naughty little teen rebels, it’s not cool or glamorous, it’s cringeworthy and just fucking sad.

Just so we’re all clear, you made a super obnoxious and blatantly false accusation, and don’t have the stones to own up to it and apologize.

I never understood how being childfree is considered selfish. Makes no sense to me at all. Who am I being selfish toward? A theoretical child that doesn’t exist? If they don’t exist, how are they suffering? And what is so unselfish about being parents? People (and yes, NOT ALL PARENTS, but many) literally have kids so

“No one is wandering around demanding you do.” LOL. You’ve clearly never been a childfree woman in her late 30s.

Once every six months on this one website. Oh, the humanity. Thank god we are not inundated with women congratulating themselves for saving the future of humanity by giving birth on a constant, daily basis across multiple media platforms.

Knock it off. I work with homeless youth (direct service, outreach, program management), and have for many years, in an incredible agency that serves the whole homeless population in my area. It is high burnout work that most people can’t handle for more than a couple of years, and there are a disproportionately high

I have zero desire to be a mom, so much so that I sometimes inadvertently react with horrified shock when asked if I have kids (recently I gasped and said “god, no!” a little too loud for anyone’s comfort, including my own, when asked). Then I have to remember that I am, in fact, 39, and that it is not an unreasonable

I agree. There’s a lot of ego involved in not even considering adoption as an option if what you really want is to parent a child.