
I have a Maine Coon mix (I adopted him from a shelter, but I live in Maine, and there are a LOT of stray cats here that are very obviously part Maine Coon), and he’s got so much of the Maine Coon personality--sweet, floppy, doglike, kitten-level cute--but only 11 pounds. I’m such a sucker for Maine Coons all around. I

My Maine Coon mix sheds in clumps too. I call them tumblefluffs, as they tend to roll across my hardwood floors like tumbleweeds in the desert.

I read this really good article (I wish I could remember there) that basically uses this argument to postulate that cats actually domesticated us--and I have to say that it seems much more plausible than the reverse when you think about it.  

I have never in my life bought a tell-all book. But by George, I would buy the FUCK out of that tell-all book.

Agreed! A good portion of information retention for me came from first hand-writing my notes and then later from transcribing them into an organized study guide.

Empathy is key, but so is an innate ability to recognize absurdity in every day life. Right-wingers have a hard time with this because an understanding of absurdity would require them to re-evaluate the many absurd arguments that they try to pass off as sane.

If you could force yourself to stop shy of a physical altercation, then probably not. If she complained, you could just roll your eyes and mutter about how she “can’t take a joke because she’s too politically correct.”

I personally think it’s near to impossible to be “progressive on all important social issues” while also being a fiscal republican. I consider things like funding for addiction treatment, access to health care for people in deep poverty, free school lunch programs for children in poverty, the ultra-rich paying

Maybe YOU could start by changing your habit of speaking about sexual violence in passive terms, as if there are victims but no perpetrators. Rapes don’t “happen”, men (and, rarely, women) choose to rape. Sexual assault isn’t inevitable, it is inevitable, due to certain cultural narratives, that many men will choose

Humiliation. That is what he has to live with. Shame implies that he cares about anyone besides himself.

“Live with the shame forever”? Can’t say my hopes are too high on that front. He’ll be living a comfortable life within 10 years. The public’s memory is short, and cinvicted sex offenders only really suffer long-term if they’re poor. Just ask Mike Tyson.

Exactly. The fact that so few readers here seem to grasp this is boggling my fucking mind. Yeah, let’s snipe at each other as we try to force the concept of privilege into a rigid, linear hierarchy. Meanwhile, above the fray, rich white dudes continue to take dumps and play golf all over us, and get treated like

Yes, THANK YOU. Like, I could ask who has more privilege: Michele Obama, or my client Jim, who is a chronically homeless disabled alcoholic and also a white dude?

There is such a program! It’s called deferring for a year (the school will hold your spot) and getting a full-time job. Everyone thinks of the “gap year” as something rich kids do so they can travel, but I took a year off just to work, learn to manage bills, and get a taste for the world outside the classroom. Though

My 3rd grade teacher had us all arrange our desks in a circle, and if she decided anyone’s desk had gotten too messy, she would abruptly drag it into the middle of the circle, dump it, and make the responsible party clean it in front of the entire class. And yes, I was one of the kids to whom she did this.

They’re called Massholes for a reason. Seriously some of the most rude, aggressive and all-around terrible drivers I’ve ever dealt with.

“I knew as a follower of Christ that I needed to budget some time over the weekend to clean my bong and my sex toys.” Works for all occasions!

This is dark, I know, but I’m gonna go ahead and be honest:

Well, obviously “anyone who doesn’t ask for the key then starts pounding on the door is a rude moron.” I never suggested otherwise. Rather, to directly quote from my original comment: “after waiting a few moments, there is certainly nothing rude or inappropriate about knocking.” And there isn’t. Restaurants and coffee

I think “mostly mothers” is being very generous. If a father changes a diaper and vacuums once or twice a week he’s a god among men, deserving of limitless praise and blowjobs, and if a mother ever makes even a slightly bad judgment call, she’s Mommie fucking Dearest. The problem isn’t the expectations parents are