Basil Khan

So most people will see this comment and some wont...

So if they make an error and work has to be halted what will happen?

By the way what does PS stand for?

@Gordonium: Or just tell the truth because its seems that saved you in the end

I am expecting a new type of platform... something new and original and not a redesign of how social networking is done now

i imagine heaven to be like anime

I remember a youtube video where this kid was trying to shove a remote up his ass coz his mom stop him from playing world of warcraft or something like that....

tetris anyone?

Are we moving back to 8 bit games?

where is the all seeing eye?

i dont understand this post

wont movies get stretched on this?

i knew it !

@KefkaticFanatic: hehe i expected this. Maybe if i added a "/sarcasm" in it it would make your anger dissipate much quickly

i am not a fan of my HD 5830 and i am willing to sell it for an nvidia gtx 460. good idea? no?

Piracy is a form of free marketing...

@ctoon27: dah dah diisssh...