Basil Khan


$600 might just be enough to change the way we live or start the process....

@Cyb3r_Punk: WE have to abstain from having sex and all negative acts the entire month and focus on spiritually correcting ourselves through prayers and etc..

Why not name it differently, Hubble sounds way better...

Just make a freaking jet fighter game....

A miracle will happen

Attach Kinect here?

I just realized something important......this shows how shameless our world is and how much money we are ready to spend to kill each other...

This world is being controlled, no matter how much a person or people will oppose an idea, i will come to exist at some time...

I really connected with this article as I myself just bought an expensive rig....

Microsoft has the money but not the imagination, they need to get back into the business and i would sincerely hate for Microsoft to die or even fall...

This is nothing new people, millions of dollars are spent on advertising and finding out what people ACTUALLY want in a product.... our comments such as on gizmodo show analysts a fraction of what the consumer is talking about, i mean i myself know a lot from reading the reviews and comments from what people want in a

i have the ATI Radeon XFX HD 5830, so am i good?

Disney censorship stuff? Lol ...the are the worst mind damaging bastards out there

i feel sorry for this world

apple will focus on these next year when there will be less attention on the iPhone 4 (S) ... They need to get extremly dramatic, design change, smaller versions, lesser cost

too bad this wasn't there when Bush was the president, or did america actually like him at the time?