
It’s been really sad to watch Kotaku gradually become what its critics have long said it is. I have been reading Kotaku since around 2010-2011, I’m guessing, and it was once by far my favorite site for coverage of games and the culture around games. Over the last year or two, though, and especially over the last few

We all complain about the clickbait titles, but these writers/editors are probably being coerced by the management. After all, without the clickthroughs to articles with ads, who is paying to run the site and pay the staff?

I’m a white French guy, and I don’t really see what’s wrong with white French guys.

The title makes me smh. Some articles should point out race, but this one is not needed. You could just say:

I haven’t researched him much, but by “numerous sexual harassment complaints” I assume you mean the one Price is Right lawsuit that initially included him as a defendant (as well as the show in general) where they withdrew his name from the suit, and the other lawsuit where he wasn’t mentioned in the lawsuit but was

This makes me uncomfortable...

She was better than most of the others.

Let the story die already, jesus.  Nobody cares about Mike Richards.  They were just pissed because Levar Burton didn’t win the spot.  I guarantee most of those who are now feigning outrage don’t watch the fucking show to begin with.

In other words, they seem to miss the point.”

The The Matrix”

Thats my problem, she seems like a nut, but it also sure seems like her bad opinions are being misrepresented to make them seem even worse. The article doesn’t accuse her of being insufficiently zealous in pushing back against a bad opinion, its ascribing to her the bad opinion she says she disagreed with.

She sounds awful, and most of that stuff would cause me to not want to watch her in anything.

But I don’t understand why the vaccination stuff always leads these articles about her except that its attention grabbing given the state of the world. “She once had a frivolous view of vaccines but changed her mind.” Why is

This game’s story would have been SOOO much better (to be fair, I’ve only seen the video posted here) if it both mocked and pointed out the bullshit of the fashion industry as a whole.

Like, sure, start out as the “good cop” being elitist and potentially racist (yes the enemies are all white, doesn’t change that some

Ok, I’m coming into this having heard of the situation for the first time. I don’t watch Amouranth, and microphone licking streams sound gross to me.

This author completely erased Monica Padman, the co-host of Armchair Expert (and a woman of color!). Do we cancel AV Club now? or just Sam? Who has downloaded the most recent set of rules on this?

You... people realize that it was the democratic party/liberals that did this.... Right? Same party that founded the KKK. Same party that fought a war to keep blacks in chains?... No? Don’t know your history? ... That’s a shame.

apologizes for how the video came across and for the harm it caused.”

What harm did it cause? Did videos of a teenager before she was famous cause harm to a single person? Honest question.

And if it’s not obvious enough, Tyler is also someone who should not be saying anti-Asian racial slurs.

I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.