
Unions and its blogging.

Meh, same as it ever was. 


Nah 2018 was still a decent year to be alive in my book.  Definitely better than the vast majority of years in history by nearly every measure.

I’m taking the big picture view. It’s one mistake. Was it a big mistake? Meh, debatable to me. I’m not going to take the Republican route and harp on it endlessly.

So instead of spending $25 billion a year ago to save DACA, now Democrats can get it for the low, low bargain of roughly $5 billion now that Trump has backed himself into a corner. What a steal! The government has certainly blown more money on worse things.

Kelly sucks and sadly it looks like she kinda does too.  

She owes the people of the USA an apology for letting telecom companies bribe her.   Lost all my respect for her after what she did on net neutrality.  

How do you get paid to write this propaganda? Seriously, none of what you stated “knocks the wind out of” anything. It only exasperated the need for a wall, border, steel slats, &/or additional security.

Trump's supporters already see him as being persecuted by the left.  Bill and Hillary get away with murder but Hes constantly investigated.  They need to stick to the immuluments clause and his trade mark in China, wrap it up in a year, or these investigations are going to get him re elected.

Ocasio-Cortez is still a politician, not the second coming, and she’s just as prone to blunders as any other new member of the House”

Seriously. Getting our troops home in a responsible way that doesn’t fuck our allies and destabilize a critical area while giving a huge victory to some of the planet’s worst autocrats would be a good thing. But that’s not what we did. 

Thank you! Dude is standing back and letting a genocide happen. This is NOT a good thing!

Hanging the Kurds out to be massacred by the Turks (again) in return for not losing tax breaks on Trump Towers Istanbul, not so much…

>>>>”For the record, like a broken clock twice a day, our president is right: bringing our troops home from never-ending wars created by neocons and the unnecessary conflicts that followed is, in fact, a good thing.

Well, you can upload an image of any size, but the image they give you back is only 500x500 pixels. Pretty useless.

Joseph Stalin

That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.

Hunting deer is a good thing. Especially when they donate so much of the meat to food banks. This is from 2010 but illustrates the good hunters and do. But anything to paint deer hunters as gun nuts I guess. 

I would argue that the hunters appear to be more effective than the sterilizers. Also hunted deer provide food to the hunter and his family.