
Haven’t watched a new episode in years, but I’ve always found a little comfort in knowing it’s still running and making all the uptight assholes a little less happy. 


There it is.

How much do tents cost in Austin?

Kotaku has an obsession with shoehorning race into whatever they’re talking about. Not as bad as AV Club though. 

A questionable time indeed. Sometimes I wonder if it happened at all.

I heard there were hundreds of accusations, and many more to come.

(this is so easy)

Well, Bialik was a favorite for many, so that works. I think Burton would have been a good pick, he really just needed more time to get into the rhythm of it. But maybe they just want someone who’s good from the start. 

I mean, him getting the spot over Burton (or most of the others) is worthy of outrage. Him being the EP. The feigned outrage over his past are just the tool being used to get rid of him. Not the worst use of cancel culture IMO. They’ll likely keep using it on whoever’s chosen for the sport of it however (partly why

Yeah she really tanked Big Bang Theory’s ratings.

I didn’t watch, but she was ranked third by the A.V. Club. Seems most agree with her being a good host for the show.

He should have been removed as host for how he got the gig. Nobody legitimately cares about something he said on a podcast 7 years ago (most of which I’m assuming were jokes or taken out of context, but maybe not).

As for Bialik, I don’t care if the Jeopardy agrees with all of my views or not, she’s there to host a

I get what you’re trying to do, I’m all about the outrage. But in this case, I have to agree with the others, bit of a stretch here. 

I’m guessing you’re about as educated on Bialik’s opinions as most of these other people responding are, you read a few headlines. No on really gives a shit if Blossom hosts special event Jeopardy episodes. Fuuuuuck you and people like you. 

Okay but, what does this have to do with her hosting Jeopardy?

It’s always suspect when they only provide you with their characterization of her comments, rather than the comments along with the proper context.

He would be great with time, but I'd hate to see him canceled. 

Aha, a great use of cancel culture here... Dude deserves it for wasting everyone’s time with guest hosts when he was clearly going to get it all along.

Jeopardy isn’t a platform for him to spread his quite literal “booby talk”, but I’m very happy to see faux outrage used in this case. 

Easy to be a socialist till they get rich.

Did she apologize to all the cartoon people she displaced?