
No, it won’t be the end of America, Women’s rights and civil rights will remain (save for maybe California which is trying to repeal civil rights).

That’s politics, isn’t it? If the roles were reversed, none of this would play out any differently. Go out and vote. Vote. Don’t burn things, that just helps Trump. 

It was easy to believe and it was a discussion, not a news report. He didn't really owe this apology, but it was a nice gesture. 

Nah, he’d make a great moderator.

I’m sure some more preorders will show up so you can upsell on Ebay. 

Not really avoidable, given people are posting clips on Twitter which make the poster incredibly tame in comparison (which is also a scene from the movie). If you’re defending the movie, you haven’t seen it. Period.

It’s not a right vs left type of outrage... Mostly just anyone who doesn’t feel the need to see preteen girls touching themselves and twerking to know that type of sexual exploitation is a bad thing. 

If you think the poster is bad, watch the movie... There’s a reason it’s being attacked wholeheartedly from both political parties and everyone in-between. 

Okay, soft belly. 

Just get out of the city, that’s the most important thing. I packed up and took a job that allowed me to move to a much smaller town. I’m lucky that my job allowed for that, but even if it had been more of a struggle, this pandemic has taught us that city life just isn’t viable.

Of course, if you look at LA and other

Started by someone who read White Fragility and wanted a cafe where Robin DiAngelo felt comfortable.

A Windows-only, non-Apple laptop that runs just as fast will undoubtedly cost you less. It won’t look as good, sure, .....

We need a campaign on how to interact with the police. Punching, wrestling, running away from, or brandishing weapons at, all horrible choices. 

You’ve explained wokeness.

lol... they’re reaping what they’ve sown. 

In general, best to stay away from cable news period. 

That’s only true if you just don't follow the news today. Antifa violence is through the roof. 

The left is trying to repeal civil rights (with regards to hiring) in California. I'm relatively progressive, but I've never been under the illusion that one party is for equality more than the other. 

Make that $100 back selling used games though. 

We’re any of the rioters on there property not actually white?