
I guess Splinter would inform you about abuses at the border and Lifehacker will tell how you to protest it?

While Obama was arguably just as, if not worse on immigration, it’s not surprising that we paid less attention to it due the media often giving him a pass. However, that doesn’t in any way excuse what’s going on now. 

All hail our corporate overlords. 

The only negative thing about Cenk was his horrible performance with interviewing Sam Harris. Outside of that, him and TYT are perhaps the best progressive news source.

Yeah, the moment Bernie goes to Trump’s corporate friends and begs for their money, he’ll be done. 

Exactly. It’s all good to tell people to vote for Biden if it comes down to it being Biden or Trump, but in reality, not going to work. People are not going to go out and vote for Biden. People need to be excited about a candidate, and there’s no one less exciting than Biden (Maybe Tim Kaine LOL WTF Hillary)

His entire career has been playing lapdog to corporations. When anyone, especially in this political climate, would refer to him as the only common sense candidate in a field of (IMO) great candidates, I seriously question motives. 

I think Joe Biden is the most common sense nominee of the 23 people running in the Democratic Party

I wouldn’t call it smart. Selling your soul isn’t smart. 

I find it very possible that Trump just ignores whoever the nominee is, continues to criticize Hillary, and fools both his base and mainstream media into thinking Hillary is running.

UBI is inevitable

Has he been charged?

Do you attend Oberlin College by any chance?

Bring back the scarlet A am I right?

Those fingernails... Horror show!

Actually, no. 

Heh blonde moment

This... Is kind of perfectly controversial. 

Also, saying the N word should only happen after you’re admitted to Harvard.

It can be hard to unionize in an industry where workers are so easily replaced, essentially could take anyone off the street in the case of Buzzfeed. Some are pulling it off though, so best of luck.