Based Loli Croissant

Ok, so what about when your tax income dries up to near-zero when all the rich people just transfer their money to another country, close their factories and move to monaco?

It is not really proven that the first new deal was a good thing.

Lol, his condescending tone. Thats the point of the interview, not positive affirmation of how great she is, but for her to be forced to explain her ideas before the implements them so people can support, or oppose it.
This is like how someone inviting her into his show for an interview was “Catcalling” and how a

This is an easy one - We care more about our elected representatives than we do foreign invaders. At least most of us do. Looking forward to more domestic terrorism in 2019, and i hope a brutal nation collapsing civil war.


Normal people use he/she to refer to birth sex. Gender expression isn't a thing, and I don't have to respect men in wigs, mutilated by blades and hormones

The borders arent arbitrary if we back them up with violence. Also, we took the capital of mexico fair and square. Killed its defenders and raised the US flag over it.  We could have made the whole thing a US colony. Instead we gave almost ALL the land back, and PAID FOR IT. Yea, what monsters.

Something to keep in mind when they talk about the 3-6 trillion dollar green new deal and guaranteed jobs program

lol,  alt right has lost all meaning for over a year now, and just means “thing i dont like”

what..... power does she have?  I remain to be convinced she even understands the office she’s in, based on her statements.

Holy crap dude please dont sprint us in the direction of an awful dystopian future any more than we already are.  Even if a little girl is dead.

Ive been saying for a year that we should use the landmines we already own and are sitting in a warehouse doing nothing on the southern border.  That gofundme could go a long way to covering some operational costs for its deployment.  

I hear “So long, Gay Bowser”.   Go on, listen to it.   Now we know Mario’s position on the eternal debate: “Are Traps gay”?

Anime avatar from popular game - professed pedophile - convinced rapist. Damn thats some hardcore detective work, sherlock. You’d better find me and kill me before i strike again.

Its my art form

Heh, you havent been on the internet long, have you?

This makes absolutely no sense. There is nothing special about rape beyond your passion for it, its a violent crime, and violent criminals can, have and are reformed frequently.

Fine by me, we get to call her a towelhead cunt. That sword cuts both ways.

Fine by me, we get to call her a towelhead cunt. That sword cuts both ways.

Here, have some sentencing guidelines for sex offences: