
“some rocker named Bowser” lmao

Are you okay?

Are you retarded? lol

Correct. You have to raise a child to be offended.

I let my daughter play Mario because she was interested in games and Mario is pretty easy to pick up these days. Not once did she ever ask me about gender roles or get offended. If children are getting offended, they were taught to be outraged. lol

I have a daughter and we both enjoy playing Mario. Offense free. lol

Well yeah because then we would have to watch her work at Starbucks after she graduates. lol

I’m a father with a daughter that plays Mario. Not once has she ever been offended or upset by these games. In fact Bowser is her favorite character. She has a Bowser stuffed toy she sleeps with every night. If this guy’s daughter is upset it’s because he taught her to be offended. We shape our children, for better or

There are already Mario games where Peach is a playable character and not a kidnap victim. It’s not a big deal.

Except you’re of the stance that Bowser kidnapping a princess is morally wrong to portray. It’s not. It’s just a game with a simple story. Bowser is a bad guy that does bad things. Get over it. lol

Moved on past what? Giant dinosaur turtles kidnapping princesses? What are you talking about? lol

Browser lol

Your birth certificate is your first medical record. If we throw that out, then might as well throw out every medical record and just guess every time. Herp derp.

That’s not a good example, since the born sex is what is medically relevant, not the new sex.

Probably at your first medical treatment ever, and then your sex is just in your medical records permanently.

Hahaha, hot garbage. If your kid gets discouraged or offended by a Mario game, then it is your failure as a parent. Grow a pair and raise your children. lol

So you can only wish for a genocide that has already been attempted? Who made these rules? lol

Are you mad he’ll get fired? lol

You are free to state your opinion and we are free to mock you relentlessly for it. lol

Why are you bringing up Trump? Fuck off.