This one feels appropriate!
It doesn’t get much better than that gif so I’m going with this
I could watch that forever.
This thread has far too few hysterical all-caps flashing MISANDRY gifs. Here, I’ll start:
Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.
No one cares about micro boners - EGR.
I have a friend who was born without a hand. A guy broke up with her because “watching her struggle” with one hand was too hard for him. Poor pookie.
“Sorry for helping” line was my favorite.
Several men have commented that they don’t have an interest in watching it because “it seems really feminist.” NO SHIT! And that why you should watch it and then come at me with your “this couldn’t really happen” bs so I can take you down.
My dad and I have been arguing over email because he just doesnt think it’s realistic at all. I have decided to do the mature thing and give him the silent treatment half our of spite and half out of self-care.
Oh god this kind of statement bothers me sooo much. They always say shit like that while doing absolutely nothing to change things, even in their own lives.
Lacked dudes “well, actually” explaining the plight of women to them, otherwise well done.
More than one man has commented to me that he couldn’t stand to watch HMT because he didn’t like seeing the mistreatment of women. Huh!
This is soooo my favorite argument against milk. If we quit doing things because other species don't, we wouldn't be wearing PANTS. Wait a minute, wait a minute …
Right?! there is a myriad of things only our species does. I guess we can't drive cars now because my dog never did!
No other species has fully-formed sentience, either, which isn't a terribly good excuse to stop using our brains to get on their level. I fart on this article.