
Deng knows a lot about suffering. He played under Vinny Del Negro.

This is how dictatorships begin and people are disappeared.

I saw the story this morning, and thought about what was being implemented and the state-by-state level at which that is happening, and realized all this will do is consolidate college football’s power within the South, particularly, the Deep South.

States like California or in the midwest or wherever who do this,

In America, “genius” is an insult.

Apparently he dismissed my comment, but concussion rates in rugby are much higher than they are in football. The only reason it doesn’t get more attention is because no one watches rugby in America.

Just the ol’ “make up random shit to emphasize a shitty point” tactic. It still works.

which is the exact number of seats it needs if you didnt tell your wife you were buying it.

The Lebatard Show is consitently the smartest, dumbest, most entertaining show on radio

Sage Steele is a piece of shit. She posts her hot takes all time on social media.

So does this mean Bill Simmons was right about Sage Steele?

Si, si, very intrigued.

I’m a Proud Southern Conservative White Guy(TM), but f*ck stereotypes all around. I just wrote my Congresspeople (all Republicans) urging them to stall Trump as much as possible, if not outright oppose him. If you want to reform immigration, great! But if you want to be an authoritarian asshole to everyone as part of

Dale Jr. is a good man and is not representative of the NASCAR stereotype. He’s a lot more open-minded than he’s allowed to show, sadly.


Now I am rooting for the Warriors to win it all, just to stick it to Trump. Go to ceremony, and make a speech about his Dad. “Mine died from a terrorist attack, yours was a Klansman”

2576 lb/ft of torque at 35 rpm. I’m calling it right now, the Demon is diesel/electric.

25.76@35mph in the quarter. Obviously.

Clearly 2576 pounds of torque at 3500 rpm.

I don’t think this is likely at all, but just to throw it out there: