Fuck Mike Stoops. That’s absolutely despicable. I don’t care if Walker flipped two birds and grabbed his balls on the way out: For Stoops to throw Walker under the bus is atrocious.
Fuck Mike Stoops. That’s absolutely despicable. I don’t care if Walker flipped two birds and grabbed his balls on the way out: For Stoops to throw Walker under the bus is atrocious.
I love the piping-hot “Well, GMs in the NFL will take this rank disloyalty into account come draft day” take-- as if they would ever give a flying fuck (and probably would give bonus points for that player’s commitment to a pro career).
I wonder if this will be a recurring thing in college sports? I could see a lot of players across football and basketball deciding not to potentially injure themselves during a season in which they’re not getting paid while preparing to go high in a draft. It would probably make the NCAA think twice about not paying…
I haven’t been near these new Alfas, but can already tell quality and engineering just aren’t there
“I haven’t been near these new Alfas, but can already tell quality and engineering just aren’t there”
If they’re worth $4000 in 6 years, I’m gonna try to rallycross one.
If Porsche focused on the 9R3, would we have gotten the 918 and 991R?
0% of these sold will ever cross a stream.
31's are plenty. That’s what I have on my Scout and I get over the speed bumps in Beverly Hills like NO problem.
It’s that 0-7 record in the playoffs that blows my mind.
Pretty sure your comments are right. Low speed, so the slip is below the limits if the electronic controls. Very little droop, so it’s inevitable.
There are 50,000 mile standards and 120,000 mile standards. The Tier 2, Bin 8 standard at 120,000 miles is 200 mg/mile. I think that is the standard the lawsuit refers to.
I’m amazed too that Jerry Jones didn’t tip his hand earlier. I mean, it just shakes so much when he’s sober.
Yay, us! There’s going to be a lot of second-guessing about many campaigns in general, but ultimately the Chargers didn’t really try to make a case to anyone who wasn’t a fan - everything they said was “you really love us, don’t you season ticket holders?” And in the last week or so, their spokesperson essentially…
It’s an unedited copy of the closed captioning. We’ll get a cleaned up version, I’m sure, but in the meantime, these aren’t Deadspin’s errors. They’re the closed captioner’s errors. I mean, except for the parts that aren’t sentences and/or don’t make sense, that’s all Donald.
A lot of that stuff is basically the country reverting to normal after 8 years of Bush fucking up. With an adult in the White House, some of the harm was undone simply by default.
As the bloodbath among Democrats begins, don’t all just dump on Hillary and the DNC. A lot of this is the fact that Obama was an ineffective president.
Your essay makes me uncomfortable. I honestly don't know how to help or be an ally. I work with kids in the family court system, either through abuse/neglect or juvenile delinquency/incorrigability. I want to fight for these kids, the majority of whom are POC. How do we do that without becoming a "good white person"?…
"Good white people" demonstrate the qualities that all good people demonstrate: kindness, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, unconditional love. These are the values I try to instill in my students; that parents try to instill in their children.