Bart Crowe

Yeah but she didn't deserve to be killed Oregonian Neo-Nazis.

Why do bad movies happen to good actors?

Getting someone who actually looks under 30 to play Spider-Man? What a novel concept!

It was funny when AJ ripped his tights and you could see his bum. Good on AJ for soldiering through but it was still hilarious.

Return of the Living Dead was the first and possible my favorite zombie movie. Also that soundtrack was incredible.

Rick Rude was the first band to carry the band Ultimate Warrior to their first good concert.

If a movie sequel comes out as a comic book did it really get a sequel?

It's called Passion of the Christ.

What about her Biblical fan fiction? Won't somebody please think of the Apostles?

Norm MacDonald would have just made a joke about one of the genders being OJ Simpson is a murderer.

I know that babies taste best.

So is Kanye stupid or just in his own little world?

You misspelled shit lord

Keeping the dream alive of a remake no one wants.

I honestly thought the show ended like three years ago since I stopped seeing their shitty merchandise being peddled out here in Ohio.

The only thing worse than a horror sequel is a comedy sequel.

Welcome to everyday life in Trump's America

Steve Carell in talks for an easy paycheck.

4 years of this fucking shit…

I guess that explains why Lauren put her podcast on hiatus. Good for her!