Bart Crowe

I'm already not going to vote for Trump because I'm not a monster but maybe having Outkast reunite and play a concert would convince me even more.

I forgot they are trying to make a Universal Monsterverse.
"I have an army" -Van Helsing
"We have a Creature from the Black Lagoon" - Dracula

For a guy who says he was a abused as a child he sure finds the idea of child abuse hilarious. Maybe Tyler Perry's abuser looked somewhat like Madea and these movies are some sort of cathartic release for him.

Web Series are still a thing?

No thanks

Is Billy Bush the Bizarro Ryan Seacrest?

I'd watch @midnight but there's no after show explaining what I just watched.

Google ruins everything

"Brilliance of Zack Snyder" Has that phrase ever been uttered before?

What sin have we committed that we are being bombarded by more video game movies?

You know what makes a bad movie better? Making it longer.

Interesting choice to turn down a sure thing for a Dario Argento remake. I mean "To overcome the spider's curse simply quote a bible verse" "Thou Shalt Not… D'oh!" Did I do this right?

Is Will Arnett going to have to shove microfiche up his ass?

He was good on Review with Forrest MacNeil as a gay kid Forrest was trying to convert. Review is such a funny show unlike Son of Zorn. If this was an A- effort I'd hate to see how much shittier a "bad" episode is. I think a D+ would kill a mortal man.
I will say something nice. I'm glad Tim Meadows is getting a

Those Sampsons sure zinged virtual reality!

So is Fox actively trying to make a cartoon worse than Allen Gregory?

Congrats to Skeet Ulrich for not being dead.

Good thing Carpenter never did a bad remake. Now excuse me while I watch John Carpenter's Village of the Damned.

The exciting world of video game novelizations! Joining such luminary works as those Halo books you couldn't pay me to read and that shitty novel I bought at a school book fair based on Castlevania 2.

I'll never forgive Norman Reedus for betraying Blade. I am impressed he is still alive after being blown up.