Barry Zuckerkorn

I'm pretty sure. Without the huge Success of Sherlock there wouldn't be a Show like Elementary right now.
Well it''s not new, the Americans have to copy everything which had success somewhere else.

I don't get the ratings here. This Show gets a C and the new Inbetweeners Remake an A Grade.

I don't get the ratings here. This Show gets a C and the new Inbetweeners Remake an A Grade.

Now do the same with Fringe, FOX!

Good Choice Netflix. Better bring The River back!


Go Netflix, I want a second Season!

Well, not really.

wow have to agree with you on almost everything you suggested. I would have nominated in Comedy the same 5 Shows and In Drama Game of Thrones instead of Shameless, cause I haven't seen Shameless so far.

Where the Hell is the Nomination for Breaking Bad? Sorry but that is more than ridiculous!