Barry Man-ee-Low

Still a better Joker than Leto's

Yeah, what would they have been doing all this time? Just chillin in Dorne, playing video games in the palace's basement?

That Katie plot was dumb to be honest. As annoying as she was, you would have to be hella stupid to voluntarily omit a key fact like that to your bosses. Although Katie seemed insensitive, she also seemed rational enough to not do this kind of shit.

she'll be putting the original Three-Eyed Raven face and saying "look at me, look at me, I'm the Three-Eyed Raven now"


Nymeria Queen of the 7 Kingdoms with Ser Pounce as hand of the Queen.

Isn't Ned's head still at Kings Landing? And shouldn't it be to decomposed by now to be usable as a face?

Yeah, LF could be hiding in the tree branches, listening to the conversation while rubbing his hands together

Yeah I think Arya decided not to come after her encounter with Nymeria(?)

I like how he chose Sansa’s rape as evidence that he knows everything. He could have chosen any of Sansa’s flashback but he chose this. What a cvnt!

Agreed. I don't mind rewarding superhero movies but we shouldn't reward formulaic movies. The Dark Knight trilogy was pretty innovating in the superhero genre and it deserved its nominations (especially Ledger). Logan, if not innovating, stood out from the other superhero movies.

I don't know, I don't trust an American version of Bollywood to perfectly capture its magic. For sure it's gonna be made for American audience so it's gonna feel like a weird clone of it.

yeah they should have learned that from the film Cat Woman.

I dont know, I still hated 300: Rise of an Empire although I would admit she was the best part of it.

And according to Netflix, people love Adam Sandlers' movies, hence why they made a deal with him (which they recently extended)

And doesn't he have internet to know how old Trump is? I did like the "how much money do you have" question though. If I were Alex Jones I would say that the letter is a coy from a democrat to make Trump publish his tax return.

I mean, the whole United Kingdom must be a murder and crime fest based on all those crime and detective shows on UK TV. British sure love these type of shows although I would admit it's better than the extravagant shows NBC and ABC come up with every year.

Especially since that dude invited the very same person who imposed the ban, on his fucking show. I thought by now that Fallon's audience would primarily consist of Trumpists.

I saw a lot worse movies than those. I saw three Transformers at the theaters even though I hated each one of them (it was summer, I was bored, drunk and/or high and friends with terrible taste), I saw that movie with Paul Walker and his stranded dogs in Antartica (I slept through most of it), I saw Hardcore Henry

Jupiter Ascending and Speed Racer were really terrible.