Barry Glib

I know they say the weather is going to be crazy with El Nino, but this is ridiculous.

I know they say the weather is going to be crazy with El Nino, but this is ridiculous.

Outing gay people is a shitty thing to do, here’s a story that potentially outs a gay dude and assists in a blackmail scheme.
Islamophobia is bad, Obama’s speech condemning Islamophobia was pointless.
Rape is a terrible crime, here’s some screenshots from a video of a rape.

Definitely. His youtube channel is one of my favorites.

No, it proves mice are tenacious, curious, and smart. The mouse found out it could get out of the bucket, so it was worth the effort to go back and try to get the bait. You can see the mouse approaches the problem differently each time. Unlike Wile E. Coyote, it worked on it plan over several iterations.

He makes me wish I had enough free time to build such elaborate stuff. That homemade pantorouter blows my mind.

Haha i love matthias- he’s an amazing woodworker who builds all his own tools- from a bandsaw mill to a table saw to an air raid siren. If you’re into woodworking, definitely follow his channel- he’s brilliant.

If someone’s flying a drone on my property and it appears they’re conducting some kind of surveillance and it is safe to do so, I don’t care how illegal it is, I’ll bust out my shotgun and enjoy bringing that sucker down.

Please don’t fly your drone over my property.
