
Is it really a parallel twin or did you mean to say L-twin?

Should I give up my dream of putting a GSXR front end and CBR600RR swing arm on my ‘88 Hawk GT and just get a Scrambler? (I already have all the parts for the GSXR front end, I just need to build a workshop now.)

Is it really priced low enough compared to the

Next time, use your microwave. It will soften the gunk enough so that you can just rinse it off. And please take video.

That guy has the reflexes of someone who grew up in a war torn country.

He probably knows nothing about that. Pro athletes generally don’t manage their fortune, they make so much, they’re like mid-size businesses.

Since $125k will be the CA minimum wage by 2020, seems like a good deal for Faraday.

No, it’s not okay. What about all the other businesses that could be if the taxes weren’t so high? Setting taxes high and then making tax break deals is just a mechanism to say who can and who cannot have a business within a government’s territory without admitting that’s what it is.

you’re right, never before have they lasted seven days!

Change gear, change gear, change gear, check mirror... murder a prostitute. Change gear, change gear, murder.

BMW made a perfect 450 range ADV bike back in 2009 or so. G450X was the designation I think. Nobody bought it. So we only have ourselves to blame for the lack of a light ADV tourer. As Sean points out Husqvarna is onto something with it’s 701. Maybe now that the litrebike segment is saturated people are coming to

The US needs more boxy solid axle 4x4s!

Sanders comes across as a genuine honest guy whos not corrupt, lying, dirty two faced, etc. My issue with him is his self-proclaimed socialist tendencies. From the several sites that have published his plans, and tax increases, it will seemingly cost me $1,000 a month to have him in office. I have a VW Jetta and a

I am a Libertarian! We get shit on by BOTH sides!!!

Well, until a year ago or so, he was a Democrat. Plus he swears hes doing just fine in the package department........ I honestly don’t think he hates minorities. Unfortunately his mouth gets him in trouble, just like his shitty ideas. He sees a real problem, which is illegal immigration, and Islamic extremists but

Pretty much any Alissa Walker article that gets cross-posted to Jalopnik. Seriously, just try reading any of these articles without your blood boiling:

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an

Dare I say it is too wide and the wheels are wrong?

The 4WD button on the shifter of the Subaru Justy

From the days when they didn’t need to specify, you just knew when you saw this badge:

I'm in the minority that actually liked it. It's clean and very American luxury design wise. The fold out staircase though is more over the top to me than the doors.

I’m sure both guys would find the title to be absolutely hilarious and totally appropriate.