
Combine it with the new truck bed and put me at the top of the list.

From Oregon too.

That's very true. 100F summers and single digit winters.

Definitely can't go places like this 5 miles from Boise...

Shut up. We don’t need more people moving here.

I have a friend who also dresses like this when we go fishing. Yes, we mock him.

I have family in the NYC and I’ve noticed the distinct lack of gas stations when I’ve been there. Are there private fueling services available or are the people just stuck with driving to the nearest station?

Congratulations. You managed to take some otherwise meaningless bit of automotive news to insert some incredibly lame political joke. Most of us read Jalopnik to get away from politics. Thanks for reminding us that Jalopnik is just another Gawker Media site.

So he should give the stoic, corporate bullshit reply that “We’re reviewing our supply chain but we have no evidence to say we’re killing flamingos”?
I’d take some half-assed attempt at sarcasm any day.

At the opposite end of the spectrum is this guy-

It’s a bad picture, but I did the buggy thing with a $100 civic a few years ago and thrashed it around my parent’s ranch. It was the best $100 I’ve ever spent.

The most confusing GIF I’ve ever seen until I watched the video.

My in-laws have had several of these. They regularly drive them to almost 300k miles and then buy another one.

That picture. I love that movie.

Just reassure us that this is the best choice in it’s field. The 3-series has become crap over the last two generations, Audi seems to be taking styling cues from a melting cube of butter, and as great as the current Mercedes line looks inside and out, I can’t get over the iPad glued to the dash.

Excursions with the 7.3 diesel are highly sought after. My parents have had two or three of them. Still do. I’d buy one.

Now every time I ride my motorcycle I will be thinking “my brain will soon be exploding out of my neck.”

Chelsea Clinton: “Heh, rookie.”

A friend of mine has both a V12 auto and the 4.2 manual. I agree with your view of the V12. Please don’t let it ruin your opinion of the car. The 4.2 manual is wonderful.