
what does that mean? I still can't figure it out.

That could be a good thing. Becky in NXT was awesome. WWE Becky is just a caricature of that version.

Ziggler vs Nakamura could be a fun and great wrestling match, but knowing WWE it won't. There will be barely any chain wrestling. No story to be told. It's a shame.

that was awesome! I was so happy she did that. Finally someone had a good comeback for the "what" chants


finally a wrestle has a good comeback for the "what" chants. She could really get the fans cheering "what" for her if she does it right.

I dunno to me she still looks kinda chunky

I don't know what Paige's status is, but I thought we were going to get a surprise return from her last night. Would have been awesome.

Top Guys Out.

I thought the same exact thing

not this week… he got F5'd last week.

Women's champ lost. Tag Champs lost. U.S. champ got beat down. Glad WWE's champs are really strong…

and that's why I skip most of Raw. SDL hasn't been as crisp lately either. The product they are putting out is terrible. I asked myself yesterday why do I still watch. But I still do…

I know he debuted a month ago. But they're giving us no reason to care about him or most of the cruiserweights.

he doesn't have a character. DB had a character. His "yes" chant came from something. Tozawa just yells cause "that's what he does" Awesome…

The only one I would say is Gallagher. Only guy with a personality. Kendrick is just your typical heel. Swann (great athlete) is just a guy who dances. Dahr, Alexander, Tozawa (just yells) have nothing going for them. No one other than hardcores care about them.

The CW division has sucked hard so far. Neville joining was a huge boost, but the rest are just nameless faces. Aries inclusion is huge though and him vs Neville at WM should be awesome. I just wish both guys weren't in the CW division.


I think the CW division has been pretty awful so far (Neville has improved it). But last night seeing Neville and Aries in the ring together was pretty awesome to me. It had a big fight feel. Hopefully they're fighting at WM.

I don't care about Undertaker any more. Guy looks like sh*t. Can't wrestle and doesn't belong in the ring. Him facing anyone at WM doesn't get me excited. Go away.