
No, a lobbyist is someone who represents stakeholders to actual real life politicians. That could be corporate interests, it could also be a civil rights advocacy group. Every group that is interested in any given policy proposal is in theory capable of sending lobbyist to make sure the politicians voting on said

Probably because the anti-hype is gone now and you can play the game without the internet screaming at you that it is a piece of shit. Leaves you to form much more of your own opinion of it. 

Holy Roman Empire?

Well yeah, you kinda have to go for an assassin build if you want to be really good with the assassination options. But once you do, you can one hit kill all but the most powerful enemies if you catch them unaware, at least on easy.

If you are supposed to like something, its hardly a guilty pleasure. The whole point of guilty pleasures is that its something you like while you recognize its pretty bad and everyone else considers it bad. The guilt bit comes from not generally wanting to admit that you like that thing out of fear of looking weird

They came to the conclusion that it wasn’t worth the time and resources to prosecute someone for pretty much a victimless crime and who doesn’t have a criminal record.

Just because the American military actually has stricter gun discipline in a war zone than American cops have in general, doesn’t mean the rest of the world trains their police force so poorly. In most countries, the police is actually trained to catch the suspect, not gun everyone down that looks at them funny.

When the people that determined the direction of the company leave and different people with different ideas about the direction of the company come in their place, you can get a fundamental shift in focus. Thats what I meant.

Right, EA wants in on the MMO success from 18 years ago. Thats a logical business decision. And the Bioware you speak of died before the release of ME3 when their founders left. Since ME3 Bioware has produced only mediocre games. Hell, even in ME3 you can already see the shift towards mediocrity. Blame EA or don’t,

I’ve read some of the articles about Anthem when it was announced and they were pretty clear back then that this game would be really different from all the other Bioware stuff. I’m pretty sure that Bioware never intended Anthem to be like Mass Effect or Dragon Age, or had any intention to try.

Well, the number of PvE games is still pretty minimal. Again, its basically Destiny, the Division and Anthem. Thats pretty much it. All other multiplayer games are still focused on PvP.

What are you talking about? How many loot shooters are actually out? Destiny, Anthem and the Division? Thats three games and they do not dominate the market or the focus of the games industry. That would be battle royale games. 

Yeah but most of that pay isn’t actually in cash, its in stock. In other words, it doesn’t come out of the income of the company. No shareholder would ever actually allow such a massive portion of the company income to go to a handful of people, that would leave less for them. 

The question shouldn’t be ‘if a man can get a pass, why shouldn’t a woman get one’, it should be ‘if a woman can’t get a pass, why should a man get one.’ One major point of Feminism is to point out bad behavior perpetuated by men and ask ‘why the fuck do we put up with this bullshit’.

I think the real problem isn’t the lack of risk but their incessant need to directly tie their games to the movies. And thats a problem that has been going on for much longer than Disney’s or EA’s involvement. Battlefront could have been a much better game story wise if they had just stuck to their original vision of

Problem there isn’t really the fault of the engine. It was just bad game design through and through. 

Ghost Recon also connects to Rainbow Six. And yeah, they acknowledge Splinter Cell Black List in the Sam Fisher mission. Also, the main (canon) character from Wildlands is the commander of the US forces in EndWar (who remembers that).

Or it just fractures the party, making the Democrats even less effective.

Sorry but how is this treating someone as shit? The guy calls him by his male name and tries to avoid all pronouns including the wrong ones. I’d say the teacher is at worst a little petty about the pronoun thing. 

This game sounds like it should have been DLC except someone at Ubisoft had the bright idea to make it a ‘new’ game so they could charge more for it. Given the shitshow that was FC5's ending, it would have been better if they redeemed it with a proper DLC ending, instead of going for the lacklustre stuff that we got.