Pence is a politician in an age where the President can openly talk about assaulting women and getting away with it cuz hes famous. Of course being a sexist doesn’t hurt his career.
Pence is a politician in an age where the President can openly talk about assaulting women and getting away with it cuz hes famous. Of course being a sexist doesn’t hurt his career.
People who adopt the Mike Pence rule get hurt by it as well. You think there are a lot of bosses that will accept someone who works for them and who absolutely refuses to be alone with a female co worker? Especially when that co worker has never done anything to warrant such a response? They’ll get told to grow up or…
Yeah no, some of that extra stuff were some really awesome classes that could wreck some serious shit. I would have very much liked to have the chance to play as those characters but I never found them in the loot boxes I got. I did get a bunch of guns and classes that were either objectively shit or didn’t interest…
Have you ever pressed ‘doubt’ at any point during the game? Because all doubt does is make Phelps flip out at whoever he is interrogating.
Yes, its not like its possible for prices to spike again or something. Nooo, being dependent on a finite natural resource is definitely something that will last forever and has a stable price, being in no way dependent on the laws of supply and demand.
Watch Dogs 2 had a pantsless homeless guy walking around. You could see his dick.
Really, attack on transwomen? When did they ever attack the character on the fact that she was a transwoman? The joke is consistently that she acts like a rude asshole and drives over people consequence free. Her status as transwoman is completely irrelevant during the whole show.
I think the only reason people get ticked off at that is because South Park makes fun of the things those people care about. Like when a lot of liberals stopped laughing once they did the whole PC principal thing, because the joke was about things they care about. I think it hit a little to close to home for a lot of…
Ýeah only like 40% showed up to vote.
Sorry, but its not. Its a definition and a definition is made up by the people that use it. They are not immutable after they are made, definitions can be debated and altered. They have to in order to account for new information and new insights. That is a fact.
Its an equally good way to build up a country. Religion is what people make of it.
Yeah no, thats pretty bad logic. First of all, saying that its a German thing implies that organizing a holocaust is somehow linked to the fact that people were born in Germany. As if Germans are predisposed to organize a holocaust. And since being German is something that a lot of people still are, those people…
I very much doubt the FBI is monitoring people who just yell ‘please don’t kill black people’. Mostly because the people that just yell that are peaceful protesters and not a threat to anyone at all.
b) The Spanish central government is not fascist. Pretending it is demonstrates you don’t know what the fuck your talking about. Your ‘plight’ is comparable to an American that whines about a tyrannical government because someone proposes a law that says you can’t carry a concealed weapon around in a bar.
Don’t be. These seperatists are a bunch of sanctimonious assholes. The whole movement really only got rolling at around 2010-2012, before that they were fine with being an autonomous region. They only started to really care when the financial crisis hit and they being the most prosperous part of Spain feeling like…
A non violent action declared illegal by the highest court in the country, with the aim to seperate an entire region from the country. Wars have been fought over for less. The whole Scotland independence vote in 2014 was pretty unique in the way how lax the response from London was. Its usually a cause for civil war.
Thats true for almost every sitcom out there. If you think away the laugh track and look at what the characters are really doing, you quickly realize that sitcom characters are the worst.
I actually think Dishonored did it a lot better than say games like Far Cry or Deus Ex. Those games actively reward you with more XP for non lethal take downs thus giving an incentive to play stealthy (along with forced stealth during some missions in Far Cry) while also giving you a bunch of fancy weapons to wreak…
Didn’t the second season of Psycho Pass also get done by another studio? Like they subcontracted it or something because they were working on the movie?
Probably because those black people were rebelling against the God ordained rightful natural order or some nonsense like that? Honestly, I doubt a noted racist who was still salty over getting his ass kicked by what he saw as inferior beings, was thinking all that rationally when he wrote that poem.